Mourning My Killer

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I'll mourn my killer when he is gone
For a piece of my soul is with him
There is no closure when you're buried by beasts
You swallow a fate that is grim

When the Lord takes him, I'll beg for his mercy
I'll pray at the locks on his cell
He murdered a child, and he still has her heart
Father, don't let her burn with him in Hell

Let him rest beneath soil, so I can claw at his tomb
Screaming at him from my grave
He looked at me and saw a child in ruins 
Something no one was going to save

Don't show him the devil, for they have the same eyes
Those eyes killed a girl in her bed
They'll wreak havoc upon her because she is pure
A story I've already read

When my killer is gone, I'll pray for his ghosts
My innocence weeps in his chest
I'll never know closure if she burns with his soul
Father, I pray for his rest

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