🌼Epiphany 🌼

6 3 0

| ( Genre: rom-com, slice of life, oneshot, highschool life )|

The first time I saw him, I thought he was difficult to approach.
He was standing by the dark oak tree gazing up above as if dwelling a deep thought. I got curious what he'd been looking at then suddenly I heard a small cry.


The wind blew carelessly and I gasped when I saw how the cat jump out of the tree branch.

He was basically aiming to catch the cat!


Ah, he slipped.  I quickly got worried and walked towards the guy.

He thankfully caught the cat safely on his arms, and it seems grateful as it licks the person who's lying down in the ground.

"Anno* ... Are you alright?"

The spring wind blows again and I kept my hair from getting into my eyes. I blinked to look back at the person.

A pair of sapphire eyes clearly stared back at me; like the sea inviting you to swim in one summer heat. Curly lashes that seemingly make any girls envy. Platinum locks of hair glistening under the small rays of the shaded tree. He looked more like a doll than human honestly.

I got lost for a moment admiring his delicate features, before finally noticing the similar printed sign of our school.

"Senpai*... don't tell the teachers."
I nearly jumped out as he stood quickly and released the cat.
Even his voice sounds like a passing breeze; soft and strangely relaxing?
Ah, what am I thinking, over complementing others' features?!

"W-what do you mean?" I cleared my throat, and pondered what he was trying to say.

"You go to the same school as me right? You're part of the representatives... and I see you are on patrol."
Well, yes I was told to look around and catch students who didn't enter their classes, and I didn't expect that there'll be someone at the back of the building nearly outside the campus.

And.. senpai? He indeed wore the signs that indicates he's a..

"You're a first year?.." I shifted my eyes to his blue necktie as he nodded.

"Did you got lost? Sure there's alot of freshmen this year-" I gently smiled to ease his worries and patted his shoulder.

"Let's go ! I'll lead you the way back to your class. " Even if he's an inch taller, I have the feeling that he's the type who often get lost and all. And as a third year highschool student, being part of the student council- I have a strong sense of   responsibility to guide freshman and other students to enjoy and appreciate high school life!

I started walking to the pathway and thought he'll be the easy one to follow me, yet..
The next thing that happened almost had me in a heart attack.
He grasped my hand suddenly and made a strange expression. Wait, is he blushing? Oh it must be from the heat-

"Is there something wrong? --"
Then I remembered that I forgot to ask his name.

"Arisu Hiiragi senpai* !"
Then he suddenly beats me into it. How did he know my name?

His voice suddenly became loud, and I didn't realize my heart started racing like crazy from the beginning.
He was looking at me straight on the eyes and clasped my hands with his.
Now this is weird-

" My name is Riyuu Hanabi!
And I think I like you!"


I made a dumb expression and tilted my head.

Never did I know, the spring breeze, the moment of his declaration would change my life upside down.

Quite literally.


*anno - Japanese expression for "uhm" or  "excuse me" in approaching somebody. (I guess ? XD I just often heard in in anime)

*Senpai- An upperclassman or elder student.

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