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"Agent 213, report to my office immediately." A smooth voice says over the speaker. Caspar Lee, agent 213, slowly gets up from his couch. He hadn't gotten a new mission since April and it was currently August. He watches his best friend and partner in crime, Josh Pieters whistle loudly at him. Caspar shakes his head, amused, and leaves the lounge that they were in. As he made his way to the office, he began to wonder what Jim wanted.

Caspar had just turned twenty-one of age, which meant big things. He could get better missions. He remembered the first time he found that his parents were agents at the age of six-teen. The agent thought it was all a dream—surely it wasn't. His parents wanted him to take their spot, figuring they wouldn't live longer, which unfortunately came true. He made a promise to them: be the best there could be. He wasn't far from achieving it either. Caspar walks in to see the leader of headquarters, Jim Chapman, drinking something out of his favorite red mug. Jim had short brown hair and always wore something Marvel related. Not to mention, he was 27. He was young to be a leader but his parents, who were the best of the best, handed the secret place to him. Most parents did that in general, it wasn't quite easy to become a spy or agent.

Jim stands up when he sees one of his favorite people. "Casp! My boy!" 

The twenty-one year old awkwardly smiles back, sitting down on the chair that was in front of Jim.

"Did I tell you to sit down?"

Caspar gulps, standing up right away. 

"Did I tell you to stand up?"  

Caspar groans, sitting back down, making the elder laugh. 

"Oh, I'm just fucking with you."

One thing that had always bothered Agent 213 was the fact that he could never tell when Jim was joking. Jim couldn't hurt a fly, however, when things had to be done, he would take action. 

Jim laughs again and takes a seat. "Sorry man, you're just too young to fool!" He straightens his Marvel sweater.

At the H.Q, no one dressed 'formal', unless they had a reason. Jim hated seeing everyone in suits when he was growing up and because he had to wear them too, he grew tired of it. 

"So, what's up?" Caspar asks, impatient to hear what he had to tell him.

"Yes, yes. As you can see, we haven't—I haven't—given you an assignment over four months because we have saved this next one especially for you." Pause. "Your next assignment is to watch over a college student."

Caspar's face drops from excitement as his eyebrows knit together. "What?"

"You're watching over a student named Joe Sugg. You see, for many years, or well in my parents years that they were alive, Joe's dad was really close to them. They were best friends. He was never a part of our team but he always helped my dad out. I never met the man; in my book, he's cool. Long story short, he's been murdered."


"Exactly. Originally, we were going to assign you to find out who the murderer is but that isn't important right now because whoever did it, is going after his son. We know that that murderer hates Mr. Sugg because we had Agent 456 look over the case. They murdered him in his own house while Joe was away at college. He left a note saying, something among the lines of, 'Good luck trying to find me out, his son is next.'"Jim uses air quotes, shrugging slightly. "So this is where you come in. You're going to become his new best friend. Keep him out of danger, look out for him, and make him stay safe. If you fail, we'll have to let you go."

As much as Caspar hated how boring this mission sounded, he could not risk fucking up. He lived here along with Josh, and since his parents died, he had nowhere else to flee. So instead of groaning, he nods his head for approval. "I wont fail you, sir."

"Casp, please don't call me sir, I'm not that old. Anyway, we already enlisted you into the college. You have every class with him. You don't, however, have a dorm with him, you have some kid named Will Darbyshire. Here's your folder, it includes everything you need. You start in a few days." He slides the folder to him. Caspar is about to open it when Jim smacks his hand.

"Did I tell you to open it?" The agent pulls his hand away, frowning. "Did I tell you to pull away?"

"Fuck you, Chapman."

Jim just chuckles, shoving the folder into his chest. "Here, South African. Go on."

Caspar grabs it, standing up and heads out the door. When he opens the door, he hears a "fuck!" being mumbled. Shutting the door completely, he sees Josh rubbing his head.

"Josh, what the hell? Were you eavesdropping?"

His best friend smiles sheepishly. "You took forever man! I was getting bored of listening to Connor go on about his photos. Don't get me wrong, love the dude, but it gets boring after awhile."

They both walk to the lounge again, it being their normal hangout.

"What did he assign you? Do you have to follow an ambassador? Fly to France and catch a thief?"

" over some kid.." Caspar mutters under his breath, kind of ashamed he didn't receive any 'cool' mission.

Josh almost chokes. "I'm sorry, I thought you just said you have to look after a kid."

"You heard right."

Josh begins to laugh. "No way! That's the most lamest thing I've ever heard! Oh my god!"

"Shut up, idiot! At least I have something to do." he sticks out his tongue at him.

"Listen to yourself, god." Josh laughs even more, earning a punch from Caspar.


Joe Sugg takes a fork and shoves a piece of meat into his mouth. He was currently surrounded with his group of friends at the burger/meat joint that was located inside of their school.

"Fuck's sake, this is too hot!" Oli White whines, dropping his chicken burger onto the plate.

"You're such an idiot." Harry Lewis tells him, sneakily reaching over to Oli's plate to retrieve a french fry.

Alfie Deyes begins to cackle, watching the two hit each other horribly.

Will Darbyshire walks in a few moments later, looking around the table filled of idiots. (Hey, it was okay to call them idiots. They were friends.) "Fellas." he greets, sliding into the only empty chair next to Joe Weller. "Guess what I just got informed?"

Joe Sugg looks at him, curiously. "What?"

"Remember how Marcus got kicked out? They finally found a replacement roommate for me." he announces, pushing his glasses a little bit into his face. "Being an RA is such a hassle. Now I have to look after for this kid, too."

"You're our dad." Callum Airey muses, placing an arm around Harry who jokingly leans into his touch.

"Oh, fuck off." Will rolls his eyes. "He's supposed to be arriving within the next couple of days. I don't know his name, though."

"Outta be fun." Joe says with a mouthful of food.

Oh, it was definitely going to be a fun year for these college student.


A/N: I've started this fic due to the fact that I think it's very interesting and this was uploaded first on my Tumblr. I'll be posting on here as well seeing as it's easier for many of you. Tell me what you think about this story either on here, or Tumblr. :-)

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