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There were only a few days of summer left which meant classes started soon, and that made Caspar nervous. How was he going to act when Joe finds out they have the same major and, not to mention, all classes together?

Dammit, Jim. Make it more obvious, would you!

On the positive side, Joe and Caspar became a lot closer. They bonded quicker than Caspar ever did with Josh. They had the same crude humor and were not easily offended by any rude comments they threw at each other.

Currently, Caspar was getting ready to head over to Joe's dorm. They planned out to have a little pizza party between the two of them and just listen to some nice jams. Once Caspar left his room, he bumped into Will.

"I would apologize but you were in my way."

"Someone's in a rush." Will notes, pushing his glasses into his nose. "Where ya headed? Date with Suggy?"

Caspar rolls his eyes. "You know I'm straight, right?"

"I hardly believe that."

"Whatever. I'm off, bye." Caspar turns around, heading towards Joe's direction, not hearing what Will had just yelled out.

"But Caspar he's with—"


As soon as Caspar reaches his destination, he hears some weird noises coming from the inside of Joe's room. He can't help but to place his ear on the door. So what if he was eavesdropping? Josh did it first!

"Fuck! Harder!"

Caspar quickly backs away, in complete shock. It had to be Joe and some guy. In a way, Caspar is not surprised that his mission liked guys, it seemed kind of obvious. Joe acted way too flamboyant.

However, for some strange reason, he felt upset. Maybe it was because Joe forgot about their plans, right? It couldn't be. It had to be something else...but what? Caspar shrugs off the weird feeling and returns to his dorm. He finds Will eating some Oreos with Nutella while browsing the Internet. Making his way over to his roommate, he plops down next to Will.

"You didn't listen to me." Will snickers.

"Shut up and give me a cookie."

Will hands him a cookie and Caspar dunks it into the Nutella jar. Then, he stuffs it into his mouth, laying his head back on the wall.

"Alright, hit me. Are you jealous of Joe and his sex toy?"

"Sex toy?"

"Well assuming they were fucking right now, yes. Joe likes to get around with many guys, sometimes the fling will last a week or a few days." Will explains, rolling his eyes. "I'm glad I'm not Oli White, he has to deal with it the most."

"Yeah..." Caspar agrees, a hit of disappointment matches his voice.

"'re not jealous, are you?" Will looks at him, squinting his eyes.

"W-what? No! I'm straight. I like girls."

"It's only a matter of time before you fall for him." he shrugs, grabbing another Oreo and bites into it.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"You see...Joe has this thing where he makes anyone fall in love with him. Everyone has been through it besides us, I mean. Basically, there's no strings attached when it comes to sleeping with him. But, because Joe has that 'charm', no one follows the rules. I'm not saying you'll be the same, though, I'm just warning you."

"Thanks for looking out for me...I think." Caspar says warmly before shoving another cookie into his mouth.

"No problem. We all noticed how close you've been getting and you might as well know the truth."


Joe's current victim was Sawyer Hartman. Caspar didn't know how Sawyer looked like and he didn't want to find out just yet. It made Caspar way too uncomfortable to think about. All he knew was that Sawyer liked to film a lot of videos.

The agent is by himself in the commons for once. This gave Caspar a chance to just be by himself and relax. Being an agent meant doing a lot of work, but this mission was just like a holiday. It seems that Jim was wrong about Joe being in danger. What could possibly go wrong here?

"Caspar!" A voice interrupts Caspar's game on the iPhone. He presses pause, sitting up on the couch, looking up at Joe.

"Hey buddy!" Caspar's smile drops when he sees a slightly more built guy with blue hair standing next to Joe. He looked like a douche bag with those dumb ass sunglasses on. Who wears them inside?!

It had been 58 hours and 35 seconds since he last saw Joe...not that he was counting because that would be pathetic...

"This is Sawyer." Joe introduces, hugging Sawyer's side, making Caspar throw up in his mind.

"I'm Caspar." The secret agent says, plastering a fake smile on his face.

"I know." Sawyer responds, wrapping an arm around Joe's shoulder protectively, as if Caspar was a threat to him.

"I wanted to know if you'd be down to watch a movie off campus with us?" Joe asks excitedly. "Sawyer has a hook up."

"I'd love to but I can't." Caspar replies rather too quickly. "I'm actually hanging friend from back home. Yeah, yeah, he's visiting today."

Joe frowns. "That's too bad. See you around, Casp." He replies before the couple walks off.

Caspar watches them leave, his eyes wandering down to Joe's ass. He had to admit, Joe had a great ass.

What? That's the truth...

Shaking his head, Caspar presses a button on his watch.

Calling Josh...Calling Josh...

"Hey boo!" Josh answers.

"Come over." Caspar says desperately.

"Whoa, what happened?"

"I don't know. I think I'm upset?"

"For someone who's upset, you don't sound like it but okay, just because I miss you and Connor is talking about his photos again..."

"Hey! I'm a good photographer!"

"Yeah, call me in a couple years!" Josh tells Connor and it makes the twenty twenty-one year old sad, he fucking missed those two bickering. "Be there in an hour or so." Josh ends the call as Caspar leans back into the couch. Wait, could he even have guests? Will never informed him, so technically, if he were to get in trouble, it's his roommate's fault. A few moments later, his iPhone began to vibrate, so he picks it up.

Listen, you need to stay away from my Joe, I can tell you like him. You either back away or else.

Caspar knew that it was Sawyer. It just had to be. He probably got his number when Joe wasn't looking. God, something about that kid seemed off...


After sneaking in his best friend, still unsure if Will let visitors pass, they both sat on the floor of Caspar's dorm. Caspar had too many dirty clothes on his bed and Josh did not want to be near that. Josh had actually brought him the knife and gun he'd been asking for, so he quickly hid it, not wanting to get caught. Caspar then explained everything to his best friend because he needed to vent.

"Okay I think I've made a conclusion from what you've told me." Josh says confidently, nodding his head.

"And that is?"

"You're in denial. You fancy Joe."

"Josh, I am not in denial."

"A person who's in denial would say that."

"Josh!" Caspar growls at him, earning a laugh from his best friend. Even if he was annoying, he missed his annoying ass.

Little did Caspar know that things were about to become very interesting.

A/N: Next chapter will really kick it off, I promise. :-)

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