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we are back with some more quotes. shoutout to the random BTS incorrect quotes account i stumbled across on instagram & have been stealing from <3

rob: so when are we gonna do the prank?
zubin: do you really feel comfortable talking about the S-C-H-E-M-E in front of B-O-R-A?
bora: it's at times like these when i really wish i could spell

andrew: someone care to explain why we have six dogs in our apartment?
rob: they're golden retrievers, dude. they retrieve gold. i did this for us.

ross: alright, onto plan 2.
zubin: don't you mean plan B?
ross: that would imply i only have 26 plans.

andrew: i'm a nice person, but i'm about to start throwing rocks at people.

someone: you are surprisingly good with kids! do you babysit anyone?
ross: yes. five grown men with the maturity of a squirrel on drugs.

rob: when will ted himself finally show up to the talk?
bora: the final boss
ross: you guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right?
rob: i will not let ted hide behind these lies any longer

(andrew, sleeping peacefully)
rob: he looks so peaceful
joe, holding a sharpie: & vulnerable

rob: what makes you think it's okay to watch hannibal, given its subject matter?
ross: sometimes i watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
zubin: because i condone murder & cannibalism.

rob: *texts andrew a voice message*
andrew: i'm a little busy, is it urgent?
rob: oh don't worry! you can just listen to it later (:
andrew: *presses play*
rob's voice message: THERE'S A FIRE-

zubin: *closes cabinet door*
*a crash sounds behind the door*
andrew: what was that?
zubin: the sound of someone else's problem.

cashier: hi!
joe: hello
cashier: how are you today?
joe: *looks at bora*
bora: *mouths "i'm fine, thank you"*
joe: i'm firing you

rob: i'm telling you, my band is competent.
andrew rushing in: rob! joe tried to make pasta in the coffee maker & now it's broken!

zubin: *having a coughing fit*
joe: are you dying?
zubin: *nods*
joe: well, die quietly, then.

bora: i'm feeling it! what am i feeling? death, probably.

rob, texting: good morning andrew! let's get this bread
andrew: send me a picture of the bread you want. i will see if the store carries it. see you soon.

joe: reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
ross: ...why?
joe, shaking a bag of teeth: just because.

joe: hey could you tuck me in real quick?
zubin: just handed me a shovel.
joe: yeah, just spread the dirt over me as evenly as you can, thanks.

joe: here comes the lightning!
joe, whispering: you've got to imagine it coming out of my fingertips, wherein i am an almighty wizard.
bora: okay, currently imagining that. hm. not bad. not bad at all.

joe: i accidentally cut my finger & it's bleeding right now
zubin: just put some pressure on it.
joe, to his finger: if you don't get a job, your family will disown you & no one will like you a-
zubin: i didn't mean that...

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