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I took the cash and gathered his change from the drawer. "Would you like your receipt?" I ask as the receipt prints.

"No I'm good," he takes the couple dollars from me and tosses it into the tip jar.

"Have a good day," I say crumpling the receipt and pushing the trash down.

The man walks behind the counter and pushes me into the cabinet behind me. Prying the drawer open I can't say anything I'm frozen just stuck watching him take the money from the drawer.

He grabs the closet cash to him and pulls it out, running away as quickly as he came back. I sit there my hand still in the trash dumbfounded. "Help," I say bluntly staring and the ajar cash drawer.

"What?" My manager asks walking towards me. She closes the drawer after stuffing the money back into its rightful spots.

"I," I stutter. "He just," I start to cry.

"Just go home," the owner says pushing his way through me and standing at the register.

I bawl and clock myself out. I begin to make my way to my truck parked a little walk away.

Screaming and crying I make it to my truck, both my doors are wide open. I slam the back door shut and climb in. Sobbing I stare at the steering wheel. "I'm going to look back and not see my beautiful subs," I mumble looking in the rearview mirror. The image of myself distorted looking back at me. I turn my head and see a completely empty back seat. My heart drops as I sob even more.

I slam my fist into the steering wheel screaming, "this has to be the worst day of anyone's life. I got fucking robbed twice within a fucking-"

I sit up staring at the room I had fallen asleep in. Of course, it was just a fucking nightmare. No wonder I couldn't see the times, or the reflection in the rearview.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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