Chapter 3: A Room With No View

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A/N: I'm so so so sorry for the wait!! I had a nasty case of writers block for a while!! I'm going to try to upload every thursday, but that might change if the series continues into the school year.

TW: Kidnapping, toxic relationships, reader gets hit with a tranq

Chapter Summary: The brothers finally take you home

Your sock-footed shuffled across the carpet in your hallway, and into the bathroom. As you scrubbed your teeth free of any plaque that had built up over the day, your thoughts wandered to your favorite jacket and the Purple Dragons. Your jacket had been ruined, somehow. It had juice all over it! You didn't even know how it happened, and now it was runied! Even when you had ran it through the wash for the gajillionth time! You huffed sadly, forcing your thoughts to turn to your friends. They were acting weird. Kendra had been even more snappish and irratable, and she took it all out on Jase, who seemed relieved about something, but you couldn't fathom what.
Putting your toothbrush back in the mug on the sink, you started to head towards your bedroom when you heard footsteps. They were gradually growing louder, though you couldn't feel them.

The footsteps stopped.

You clenched your eyes shut, hoping that whoever it was would go away.

Then suddenly, a voice broke the uncomfortable quiet.

"Should I try to hide

The way I feel inside

My heart

For you?"

You opened your eyes again, recognizing the sound of the record player. You laughed at yourself as you went to turn it off. You should've remembered that the song opened up with footsteps. You finally headed to bed, relieved. You, ignoring how the record player was even turned on in the first place, assured yourself that you were in your own home, and you were perfectly safe.
Oh, how wrong you were.
When you were walking back to your bedroom, you felt a sharp pain in your neck. It was sudden, and before you had even been able to reach up and see what it was, you fell unconscious, your face plummeting towards the floor. Leo knocked Mikey out of the way and ducked under Raph’s arm to catch you, scooping you up before you could even hit the ground. He supported your back and the underside of your knees with his arms, pulling you close to his chest and spinning around. When his spin turned him towards his brothers, they were glaring at him, clearly irretated at his antics.
Leo merely grinned in response to their narrowed eyes and crossed arms, simply strolling past them towards the front door. His brothers shook off their annoyance, and excitement and relief bubbled in them as they walked out the door and shut it behind them, marking the last time you would ever see your home again.

You felt terrible.
That is, your body felt terrible. Your mouth was dry and you could feel the bitter taste of the air on your tongue. Your entire being felt rusty, slow, wrapped in cotton and unable to move or produce a single coherent thought other than, “I feel terrible”.
You felt weak, and your bones ached like you were 100 years old. You opened your eyes to be greeted with a dark gray ceiling in a dimly lit room. Though it was extremely difficult, you pulled yourself upright, observing the place you were in. You were in a large bed with tons of stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets adorning it, in an odd bedroom. It looked like somebody furnished an underground bunker, because the walls were made of dark gray stone, and there wasn’t a window in sight. Turning your gaze to the bedside, you silently gasped and threw your hand to your mouth, which made a loud slap echo throughout the room. The creature that made you react the way you did was a sort of humanoid turtle wearing a bright orange bandana around his head. He looked up from his sketchbook, and his gaze locked on you.

Not for long, though, as his eyes lit up and he squealed in what you could only recognize as euphoria as he dropped the sketchbook and pencil he was using to the ground launched forwards at you, capturing you in an embrace that left your ribs aching and your lungs desperate for oxygen.

You panicked internally, who was this? What was he? What were you even doing there? Questions, panic, and fear mixed into a cocktail of emotions in your head, it was all too overwhelming for you. When he finally released his grip on you, he brought his three-fingered hands to your cheeks, and began to pinch and squeeze them like he was a grandmother doting on her grandchildren.

“You’re finally awake!”

You jumped at the sudden sound of his voice, and you tried to pull away from his blue-green hands. To no avail, however, as he had an iron grip and you had a weakened body. “Where am I?” You asked him, voice scratchy from dehydration. “Oh, you poor thing,” he cooed, “Have a drink!” He grabbed a water bottle from the bedside table, and when you tried to reach out and grab it, he held it away from you. “Let me do that!” He cheerfully said, screwing the cap open and finally letting you hold it, although he kept his hands extremely close, as if afraid you might drop it. Feeling the cold, sweet water slide down your dry throat was akin to drinking nectar from the heavens. You tried to drink the entire bottle in one go, but the creature once again pulled the bottle away. “Don’t drink too fast, you’ll drown!”

Feeling much better, you asked your question again. “Where am I?” He gazed at you for a moment, before snapping back into his cheerful demeanor. “Oh, I have to call the rest of your new brothers! They’ll be so thrilled!” Before you could even wonder who the “rest of your new brothers” were, he opened the door, which you leaned forwards to try and see out of, and yelled down the hallway, his voice echoing, "HEY, GUYS, THEY'RE AWAKE!" You jumped yet again at his sudden yell, not knowing his voice could be that loud. Footsteps thundered down the hall from both directions, all sounding different. Three more of the creatures burst through the doorway, all of them different in many ways, but you could tell that they were all turtles. The giant one in a red mask held out his arms and approached slowly, like you were a small animal he was attempting to pick up.

"Hi, little buddy," he softly said, creeping ever closer. You instinctively backed up as far as you could go, frightened and confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, his arms lowering and his head tilting to the side. He actually looked confused about your discomfort.
You swallowed harshly, your widened eyes looking up at the turtles fearfully.

"I-" But before you could even get your sentence out, the one in purple spoke for you. "They're obviously confused, Raph," He said, putting a hand on his hip and frowning dissaprovingly at him. "I thought we all agreed that we were going to introduce ourselves first,"

"Raph was getting to that!" He said, his energy in the sentence leagues different than the soft demeanor he had just seconds earlier. He stood upright and cleared his throat, his head now turned away from the purple guy. He faced you again, a sweet smile on his face. "My name is Raph, little bud. These all are all of your new brothers," He said, gesturing around, "I'm the oldest!" He exaclaimed cheerfully, pointing his thumb to his chest and being the second to not elaborate on the "new brothers" part. The purple one stepped forwards, about to introduce himself, but the one in blue shoved him to the side and stepped directly in front of you. "I'm Leo, and I'm only just about the greatest ninja around these parts!" He boasted, also pointing a thumb to his chest.
"Yeah, okay, 'Nardo," the purple one said, shoving Leo in return. "Ahem. I am Donatello," it was all he had to say, and he looked down at you, as if he was studying you or something. "And I'm Mikey!" The orange one chimed in, raising an arm in the air. Once he was done speaking, they all looked down at you with something sinister in their eyes. "Okay..." You spoke with hesitation, "...Where am I?"
They all stared at you, and you froze. There was something more than sinisterness in their eyes. Raph spoke up.
"You're home, of course!"
A/N: I'm sorry ya'll I originally tried to delete the part where Donnie is called a purple guy but i couldn't make myself. Also, chapters are probably gonna get a little longer from this point onwards!

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