Chapter 4: An Itty-Bitty Shock

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A/N: Apologies that this chapter is so short!! I was in a hurry to get last week's out on Thursday, so I had to hurry it along. This is all the stuff I wanted to add in chapter 3, plus a little extra. I promise next week's will be longer!

TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, toxic relationships, emotional manipulation

Chapter Summary: You process your situation, and the Purple Dragons begin to look for you

Word Count: 1045


"Home?" A pit formed in your stomach, "What do you mean?"
"I'll handle this, Raph," Donatello said, stepping between the oldest brother and you. Raph shot him an annoyed look, "I'm the oldest, I can handle it!" The two turtles squabbled amoung themselves, with Mikey gazing upon with a concerned look on his face. Just as it looked he was about to intervene, Leo suddenly pushed Donatello aside to be the one you faced, his eyes half-closed and all six of his fingers intertwined, “You see, we’ve decided that you’re our new sibling, and so we also decided to-”

“You kidnapped me?!”

Leo, and thus, the rest of the brothers, jumped at your reaction to his words, for it was the most emotion and noise you had shown and made since you had woken up. Leo grinned with a hint of nervousness, but only a hint. “‘Kidnap’ is such an ugly word, you know! We prefer the term 'surprise adoption!'" His grin spread, though you didn’t know what there was to smile about in the situation. “I want to go home. Let me go home.” A waver had entered your voice. The position you found yourself in was so overwhelming, you could barely force yourself to talk coherently, using all of your willpower to keep yourself from babbling.

Leo tilted his head to the side, slightly, his eyes half-closing again. “I thought you heard? This is your new home, silly head!” That sentence proved to be a mistake when your bottom lip started to quiver, and your eyes became slick with tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks. “And this is why we wanted to break it to them slowly, ‘Nardo. Now look at what you did.” Donatello gestured to you, the three brothers glaring at him. Leo looked offended at the negativity directed at him. “They’re fine! Just look at them!” He shot back as you started to sob in despair and fear.
"Oh, yes. They're the very image of contentedness right now," Don snarked at his older brother, his hands on his hips. "Both of you! Stop it!" Raph said, his voice raised, "Neither of you are helping!" You and the other brothers flinched at his loud voice and sharp tone, the agressiveness prompting you to cry even harder. The brothers stopped their squabbling to look concernedly at your tears, before reaching out to comfort you.

Donatello produced a box of tissues seemingly out of nowhere, which Mikey took from him and started to dry your tears. "There, there..." He cooed, "Nobody is mad at you. Everyone is just a little tense, because this is something new for all of us," He turned his head to his brothers, still wiping your face, "Right, guys?"

They all agreed with him in a hurry, some looking more unenthusiastic to do so than others. Mikey smiled, "See? Everything is alright," he unintentionally lied. Not knowing what else to do, you nodded.


You wringed your hands together, staring at the floor from your spot on the edge of "your" bed as you wondered if you would be able to ever see the sun again. You didn't want to leave the room you woke up in just yet. Thank God a bathroom was attached. Who knows what other things waited for you out there? You had obviously never been there before, and the thought of getting lost in the underground bunker of a bunch of turtle creatures (Who had kidnapped you because they decided that you were their new sibling one day) made your throat go dry and your skin crawl.

Thuds and the sound of shouting from out in the hall snapped you from your reflections. The door suddenly burst open, with Leo nearly tripping over himself to scramble inside, the door slamming behind him. He threw himself on the bed next to you, holding out a paper plate with a slice of pizza sitting atop like a queen on her throne. "Here you go!" He cheerfully said, his hands outstretched. You took the plate gingerly, never taking your eyes off Leo. He grinned from ear to ear and flopped down on his back with his elbows supporting him from the shoulders up so he could still look at you, the back of his head leaning on one of the stuffed animals. "What's up?" He said, his grin widening to the point where it nearly reached his ears, "We got pizza to celebrate your arrival. We can't have a family dinner tonight, though. Sorry about that. The others are busy,"  He really didn't look sorry at all, with his mischevious smile.

"Go on, eat it. I promise it's not poisonous or anything like that." You held the slice up to your lips, your mouth flooding with saliva at the arouma of cheese and tomato. You had to stop yourself from wolfing the entire thing down after one bite, having not eaten since the night prior. Out of your sight, Leo had an extremely smug look on his face at your hunger.


Kendra typed away at her laptop, Jeremy and Jase doing the same with theirs on either side of her. She scrolled down to the footage of the traffuc cameras up until the afternoon before, when they had given you a ride home. She was way beyond irritated. First, the tracker she had put on you got thrown in a washing machine, and then you hadn't shown up to school that day or answered any of her texts. She only saw the missing poster on her way home from school. Kendra knew it was unlikely for you to run away, at least without telling one of them. She would get to the bottom of this.

She and the boys reviewed the traffic footage for any sign of you. They had no luck until Jase gasped. "What, Jase? What did you find?" Kendra snatched his laptop and pushed him to the side, settling it down and her lap and pushing the rewind button. Jase got up and watched it with her, Jeremy also setting aside his laptop and viewing the footage. Their eyes widened as the feed cut out late in the night, and only reappeared 10 minutes later.


A/N: Sorry if any writing is subpar!! I really had to rush to get this out on time, because I took a three-day long break because I was so burnt out after my writer's block.

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