The monster..

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Okay so I wrote this one when I was 17 and in a psych ward I was in a very dark place with my psychosis and OCD. This story does have a trigger warning in it.

The Monster..
It's the saddest thing growing up and becoming your own monster, that monster that use to sleep under your bed but is now inside your head, that monster you use to hate so much that you ended up hating yourself even more for becoming that one thing you promised yourself you would never become. Yeah that's right the monster. Do you remember a time in life when you thought you were sane and thought everything was perfect. Yeah that's right I said thought cause that's all it ever was just a thought. That monster was actually inside you the hole time but I guess you just never realised that. Let me take you back to a time when darkness my mind and soul a time when reality because fake, dreams became real and magic became true, ha and I'm not just talking about silly little card tricks here oh no I'm talking about the darker side if magic the two different sides if magic but I'll explain all that to you later.

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