Chapter 1: Bloody Mess

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I deeply apologize for any grammar or punctuation mistakes, as I have typed this chapter from my iPhone. This is not the first fan fiction I have ever written, just the first for Hellsing. This story will be shipping Alucard and my OC Alexandra Jackson. I do not own Hellsing and the characters except my OC. Feel free to leave any non-offensive questions and/or comments. Sadly, I have not gotten the comfort in writing reader inserts yet, so I apologize deeply for any inconvenience. Thank you, and enjoy!!

The rain poured down on the muddy grass as a young girl walked through the woods. Limping over to a tree, she panted and breathed heavily due to running for her life. After hearing a flock of bats glide down behind her, a man appears, cloaked in red and fangs dripping with blood, chuckling at her frail state.
"Hm. Look what we have here! Interesting. Tell me, where you running from those other vampires back in the alley~?"
The girl only jumped and stepped back a little as she turned to face the fanged man. "Y-You....! Why sh-should I-I trust you?!"
"Simple. I saved your little life. If I hadn't been there, you would be dead a long while ago. Now tell me girl..." He paused, holding the girl off the ground by her chin. "What is your name?"
The girl dangled about, her injuries weakening her ability to squirm around. Managing to choke a few letters and syllables here and there, the girl replied with a scratchy voice. "A-A-Al...Le-e-e-e-x-x...A-Andr-r-r-ra..."
The man released her with a raised brow, only from the surprising action of the girl answering-or at least trying to. "Alexandra Jackson?" The man asked, only to be replied with a small nod from the girl who was now on her hands and knees.
The man snorted. "So this is the last alive with the blood of Hellsing, eh? Hmph. Alucard, former king of vampires, retired servant of Integra Hellsing after death."
The girls eye widened as her head jolted up at the name of Integra Hellsing. "Y-You mean... You're my great grandmother's assistant?!" She questioned to Alucard.
"Yes, and I've been searching for you for a while now. You... Are a virgin, right...?" He asked, only to receive a confused look from Alexandra. She nodded slightly, taking Alucard's hand that now reached to her for support.
As he squatted over her, the fear in her eyes became more visible by the second. "Then this won't be as painful as you expect. Just relax your body and close your eyes. You won't be able to live much longer like this.
As Alexandra tried to respond, but was cut off by Alucard's fangs piercing into her frail neck. Her eyes immediately screwed shut, and her muscles started to contract, but quickly relaxed as a new feeling crept over her body. She no longer felt pain, but now felt tiered, and calmed her breathing, her pulse stopping, yet she still lived. Passing out in the vampire's arms, he smirked and licked the blood around we neck an his mouth, vanishing and reappearing in a small bedroom that was painted a nice shade of blood red with black rims and a large queen size bed with Victorian aged furniture and decoration, all painted with blood red and ivory black.

Bloody King ♡ Alucard x OC ♡Where stories live. Discover now