The Bloodbath

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Dan's POV

The podiums arose slowly, painfully. The agony of fate overwhelmed the discrepancy between the existence of life and death, The twenty-four of us were stood, compradicately aware of the future that awaited us, apprehensively anticipating the initiation of the Games.

The countdown began.

Anxiously, I glanced pertinantly at Carrie, who had been placed directly opposite me. I grinned and winked halfheartedly; the girl was from my district, and although we had never been acquainted previously, it seemed customary to attempt to reassure her.

Adjacent me, a young boy approximately my height with blatant black hair styled similarly to mine fidgeted, whimpering gracelessly. I gazed at him congruently; for whatever reason, I experienced an ambiguous connection to him, preposterous as it was, considering I'd never encountered him in my life.

As I pondered this, he turned to glance at me momentarily. His eyes were astoundingly bright blue, in contrast to his dark hair. However, I could hardly contemplate this further because, without haste, the horn sounded. The games had begun.

Marzia's POV

Immediately as the horn resounded, indicating the instigation of the Games, a hand wound around my wrist, tightly. Felix, the male tribute from my District, and I had been strategically preparing for the initiation. Devoid of gesture, we both began to run simultaneously, toward the cornucopia, still linked at the arm. I didn't even consider accustoming to the surroundings prior to arriving at the base of the massive cache. As Felix dove headfirst into the Cornucopia, however, I decided to pause briefly to perceive the arena.

It seemed to be a woody area, with several tall trees and thick with brush and shrubbery. The atmosphere was cool and dry, and it seemed to substantially lack a visible source of water. I noted some suspicious grassy clearings, speculating their impediments.

As I attempted to infer some advantages, however, the girl from District 7, Hannah, I presumed, charged directly towards me, wielding a spear. Frantically, I took hold of the first item of weaponry I varnished, and, as she approached, swiftly and cleanly severed her head. Instantaneously, a canon sounded, broadcasting her death, and I abandoned the decapitated figure, returning to Felix.


I watched as the majority of other tributes clambered hastily, retreating from the Cornucopia. A community of few traversed competently into it, interpretably overconfident. In the previous few weeks, I had aspired to obtain as much possible knowledge of the others; decidedly, it would provide me the greatest chance of surviving, considering my rubbish physical capability and ineptitude regarding combat skills. I watched as Felix and Marzia bolted into the Cornucopia, viewed Marcus, Phil, Troye, Joe, Caspar, and Connor procure various objects and then run furiously, all in curiously opposite directions, and the rest simply escape without even attempting to uncover some manner of beneficial item.

I myself quickly grabbed hold of the nearest component and retracted before anyone noticed me and decided to dispose of me as did Marzia so brutally exterminate that poor Hannah girl. Ironically, though, it seemed that the bloodbath was less violent and "bloody" than was conventionally. Considering the circumstances, we would probably pay for not entertaining the capitol-folk significantly.

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