Important Inquiry!

144 9 13

Hey Everyone!

Initially, I would like to express my immense gratitude that you are enjoying my writing, and I want to apologize for the lack of recent updates; I am currently experiencing a massive writer's block, and since I am quite unsatisfied if my work is void of quality, I have been tediously progressing on the following portion of the story, editing meticulously and as often as possible. I've almost completed it, so please retain your patience. Thank you.

In addition, I would like to request a minuscule favor. I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a comment below stating which of the remaining tributes you would like to win the Youtube Hunger Games( you cannot select Hannah, Troye, or Tyler). I have established distinct ideas for an inconspicuous conclusion, but I would like your input.

Once again, I am EXTREMELY grateful. Thank you.

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