BSD (and our readers) meet Alis

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Alis: What are you doing?? I thought we agreed to a more decent and calm intro Ari 

Ari: shush 

Alis: what am I going to do with this idiot..... 

BSD: Who's this


Alis: I cAn DO my OWN INTRO ARI!

Ari: lemme do it shut up

Alis: ARIELA DREAM - (proceeds to face palm)

Yosano: oop full name- 

Alis: Anyways, I'm Kara Alisandra, but you can call me Alis. And... yeah I'm Ari's current life support!

BSD: um- oOh it's you- the one who's been commenting weird things every time we do a react

Alis: um- NO I'M NOT!

Ari: Guess who's not calm now

Alis: Am I seriously being targeted?

Ari: Yes :D 

Alis: *dRaMAtIC eye roll* 

Ari: *smiles too wide* ANYWAYS HIII 

Alis: Hi! - I need a better word, guh I guess this should work for-

Ari: sHUT UP

Alis: How about you do it first!

Ari: No- not again, wE aRE Not DoINg aGain!

Alis: I'm a ghost!, now you see me now you don't!

BSD:  *stares* (proceeds to make a WTF face)

Ari: Can you for once, for the betterment of this room AND the world just- ShUT Up

Alis: (teary eyed) Y-you a-are MEEEAAAAAAAANNN!

Ari: crybaby

BSD: (muffling laughter)

Fyodor: would you like me to ask my rat to get you a hanky?

Alis: nO 

Ari: *muffled laughter as alis proceeds to fake-cry and complain about life and insomania* 

BSD: *stares with a wtf face* 

Ari: Alis, you done yet???

Alis: umm- oop-

Ari: Exactly. YOu done now dipshit??

Alis: fiiiine AND DIPSHIT? (*cue the seriously face*)

Ari: *proceeds to sing 'Shinunoga e-wa' and do a wierd ass dance*

Alis: Looky, looky and the this new creature; has inbuilt wierdo aura everywhere it goes, scientists are studying her everyday.

Ari: yEs *smiles like a maniac*

Alis: YOu fail at that smile, like you fail at everything in life 

Ari: so mean Alis-chan 

Alis: wtf, since when am I your chan?

Ari: *laughs* 

BSD: *confused as heck and not even questioning what the hells going on* 

Alis: So, ya, the whole point of this was to say that I'll be running this with Ari, so..... bare with me? If you don't like me say it to my face, I don't mind (Already get that a lot so a couple 30 or so more won't hurt)

Ari: um- really Alis? you're ruining the mood now..

Alis: Welp, guess I'll make this better by announcing to everyone that I'll be personally targeting the the creaky ass Fukuchi, so give me tips; I already have a 100 pages worth of ideas but ykw it's not enough so Sigma you'll be my first priority as you're actually my favourite three year old.

Mori: um can I join too?

Alis: Mori stop being a pedo-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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