uhh pp

83 1 0

guys this book is alive i swear 🙏🙏
i forgot i had wattpad for a day or two lmao
users :
basedick : finney
baseballs : bruce
muichirokinnie : billy
donnatello : donna
dicknpinballs : vance
gaymen : robin
LORD. : gwen
mybrothersahomo : amy

emo wemo's
00:34 am

basedick : guys how do i eat silverfish
donnatello : ure not supposrd to..!!!
muichirokinnie : of course he's gonna eat silverfish
muichirokinnie : what r we talking about again?
baseballs : wsg 😍😍🔥🔥
dicknpinballs : billiam kys literally die actually explode u suck i hate u sm ur a fag go die jump
the end

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