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It wasn't too much later after this awkward moment of chase that the trio decided to part ways. Madara made up some half-baked excuse which was clearly a lie, and Hashirama and Saruyama just bought it for the sake of trying to lessen the awkwardness that was felt. The atmosphere beforehand had been content, the childish words that were shared and the ability to actually behave like children for a split second was such a polarising thing, once back to their homes, their lives wouldn't be like this.

Saruyama felt guilty, and even as they walked home, mainly Hashirama walking as he had scooped her onto his back, she peered over his shoulder with a sympathetic look. She had registered the fact she was no longer being chased quite quickly, and when she turned back to her brother and Madara, she had looked between the pair with a small frown. It had taken her a moment to piece things together before she felt bad. What she said just came out without much thought to, well, that was a lie, there was thought; and that thought process was Saruyama knowing full well she couldn't outrun Madara let alone her brother, they were clearly both faster than her, even with Madara evidently pretending he wasn't for the sake of the moment.

Their expressions though, Hashirama was looking more through her than at her, like his mind was imagining all sorts up and this could be the last time he was seeing her. And as for Madara he just looked uncomfortable, no doubt in a similar mindset to Hashirama, knowing full well when the next fight came about, he may end up chasing someone, be them younger or older, in a similar fashion to her and the outcome would be fatal. They looked pained in totally different ways, and that made her feel awful.

"If I didn't find you, you would still be able to hang out with Madara." Saruyama said eventually with her head tilting against Hashirama's shoulder.

Hashirama, ever the kind-hearted boy he was just shook his head with a smile. He shifted her on his back and continued walking on steadily, "You didn't ruin the afternoon, Saruyama. So, don't think you did. Madara often ends up making some excuse to leave. Honestly, I have done the same too. We know we shouldn't spend as much time together as we do, it is dangerous." Hashirama sighed and looked up at the trees above them, the leafy canopy was a magnitude of colours, from rich vibrant greens, to softer shades with the odd orange or red brown here and there; it was beautiful, nature was indeed beautiful but also evidently so indifferent to the conflict of this situation they found themselves in.

As long as there was fighting amongst just about everyone, there was no chance that the friendship Hashirama and Madara had forged, would be able to not be a secret. Even though secrets were dangerous and each time Hashirama went to meet his friend, he did feel like one day there would be a slip-up, someone would find out, and then what? Hashirama was choosing to be ignorant and ignore that outcome. Inhaling deeply, he flicked his eyes sidelong to look at his sister, she still looked guilty. Hashirama just grinned at her, he was going to opt to change the subject. "What did you think of him, anyway?"

"He's interesting, to say the least...and loud, he likes to shout a bit, doesn't he?" Saruyama removed one of her arms from around her brother's neck, if only to itch at her ear to give the impression it was still ringing from the exclaiming words Madara had thrown their way. "I can't decide if he's a bit grumpy, or if it's just his natural expression is to look a bit livid." Saruyama continued on, that had Hashirama laughing and shaking his head slowly. It wasn't like he couldn't see where she was coming from, Madara did seemingly have a habit of looking quite displeased, or as she said, grumpy.

"I think that's just his face." Hashirama decided with a smirk and a nod, hearing Saruyama scoff behind him as he readjusted his grip on her legs again as he hoisted her up his back. She didn't need to be carried on his back really, Hashirama had offered if only because he used to do it all the time when she was much younger, same went with the rest of his siblings; Hashirama just wanted to remember those moments, moments where she was still utterly clueless to the chaos of the world around her and she was still a child. Needless to say; those moments didn't last long, but Hashirama liked to dwell on the little things like that, to remember his siblings having moments where they could just be children.

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