Meet and greet

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I walked out and saw my bully. She looked at me and I quickly went back into the dance room. Everyone looked at me. "Lexi what's wrong." I looked to see who said that. It was Dolph.
"Haha, what would make you say that? I'm perfectly fine." He looked at me and started walking towards me.
"Seriously tell me what's wrong. No one goes to the bathroom that fast. Also you look terrified." I sighed. Might as well tell someone. I pulled him to the closest room and closed the door.
"The thing is, I just saw my bully. She used to bully me and say very mean things to me. She'd say things like 'No one likes you,' 'You're so ugly, and that's why your dad left you,' also slut, bitch, fat, whore, and many others. She also beat me up and that's why I used to do this." I showed him my slit wrist and arms. "Please the last thing I want is a pity party." He looked at me.
"If this happens again just tell me. Now you never went pee and I bet you're bladders about to burst." I started giggling.
"Can you walk with me please?" He nodded. We walked out and saw her standing by the band room door.
"Well look who it is, the little slut. Is this your boyfriend? He fits you perfectly, cuz you both are very ugly." She spit on me. I wiped my face in disgust. Dolph stepped in.
"I am not her boyfriend. Obviously you don't know me, because people adore me. I'm famous. I wrestle people for a living. Oh yeah you better watch out because her dad is also a wrestler. If you don't know who he is, he's John Cena and I'm Dolph Ziggler. Also I'm teaching Lexi over here how to be a wrestler. So one day your gonna see her on t.v and look back and regret bullying her. That's so low, bullying people for a living. Actually do something with your life and you might be successful like me and Lexi's dad, also Lexi. I believe Lexi's going to be very successful like her dad." It looked like she was gonna cry after that. She ran away. I almost started laughing. I hugged Dolph so tight. He walked with me to the 600 hall bathroom. I went to the girls bathroom and went pee. Once I was finished I walked out and there was a crowd. I walked to the crowd to see Dolph surrounded. He looked at me for help. I sighed and laughed. I started acting like a fangirl.
"OMG IT'S DOLPH FREAKING ZIGGLER! I WANT HIS AUTOGRAPH!" He shook his head. "He is so hot right guys." I walked up to him and poked him. He started laughing and people were gasping like I just broke him. I dug in his pocket and found his wallet. "Hey guys follow me if you want some Dolph money."
"Haha nope. Lexi give me back my wallet." Everyone was gasping because he knows my name. I looked at him and ran.
Everyone was running behind us. "We all know I'm faster Dolph, I finally got to the band room door and opened it to see everyone staring at me. I ran to the nearest room. I went to a corner and started looking through his wallet. Damn he has no paper money. Eh. I put it in my back pocket and went back out of the band room. Everyone was surrounding Dolph again. "Hey little bitches, I put the wallet in the band room. Go look for it." Everyone literally mobbed the band room. I walked to Dolph and gave him back his wallet. We went back into the band room and I looked at the time.
"Hey Randy, when does the meet and greet start?" He looked at me.
"At 12 but everyone has to be there at 11:30, why?"
"It's 11:28, that's why." He looked at his watch.
"Get your bag let's go. C'mon Dolph." We almost ran out of the classroom. We went to the front office and Randy checked me out. I said my final goodbye to Austin and we left. We ran to the car and it was already 11:30. I got a text from John.
Where are you guys?

Um still at the school. We are just now leaving. I think they forgot. And also me and Dolph had to deal with some fangirls twice. I'll tell you about it when we get there.

"Lexi, do you remember where it's taking place?"
"Yeah. At Barnes and nobles." He sped up and we made it in like 2 minutes. We walked out of the car. I was carrying my backpack and we walked to the thing. We had to go through the back because everyone was surrounding the front. We finally got inside. A security guard stopped me.
"Where do you think you're going? You have to go back to the front with all the other fans." I looked at him with disbelief.
"Um, if I were a fan my last name wouldn't be Cena and I wouldn't have came in with Dolph and Randy." He looked at me confused. Steph walked up to us.
"Lexi! You made it. Is there a problem here?" I shook my head.
"I was just explaining why I'm back here and not with the fans out front." She shook her head.
"Ok now let's go. Your dad is worried sick." I shook my head and we left the security guard confused. I walked up to John and gave him a huge hug. I sat down next to him and pulled out the homework I didn't do the night before. I started doing my math. Shit. One subject I hardly understand. I looked at my homework and threw it the air.
"Fuck this shit. Oh wait I need to graduate." I picked up the paper.
"Do you need help?" I looked to see who it was. It was someone I've never seen before.
"Um, are you a WWE Superstar? I've never seen you before." He gasped.
"I just debuted yesterday. I'm in the shield." I looked at him. He had dimples when he smiled and he also had brown hair.
"Ok let's start all over. Hi I'm Lexi. I'm John's daughter. Who are you?"
I stuck my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand.
"Hi I'm Dean, Dean Ambrose. I'm in the shield and this is Seth and Roman." The two stopped arguing when they heard their names. One had really long hair and it was black. He also had like a tattoo. It looked like the type of tattoos Samoan wrestlers have. He had really big muscles. The other was kind of useless with like no muscles. He had two hair colors. When I say two hair colors, I mean he had blonde on one side and I think blackish or Brown on the other side. I couldn't tell. They stuck out their hands and I shook them. They went back to bickering like a married couple. I rolled my eyes. I turned around to see Randy talking to John. It didn't look good. Was he snitching on me?
"Uh oh. I think Randy is telling my dad about the trouble I made in my classes today." Dean looked at me like I was crazy.
"So your a troublemaker like me? I think we're gonna be good friends." He hugged me and we sat down.
"Oh yeah, watch out cuz I can fight, so don't push my buttons or there's hell to pay. Also people call me the Devils Favorite Demon. I think it's because I stab and hurt people. I don't know." He looked horrified.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side. And don't people call Kane that?" I nodded. I gave him my evil smile.
"So are you gonna help me or not?"
"Oh yeah." He helped me until they had to open the doors. I finished my math and did the easier stuff. I pulled out the book I have to read for Language Arts. I started reading until someone was in front of me.
"OH MY GOD, LEXI I'M SUCH A FAN!" I know that voice from anywhere. I looked up to see my best friend Megan. I got up and hugged her.
"So you skipped school to be here? Nice one." She nodded.
"Yeah, I literally love WWE. So can I get an autograph or what?" I signed her paper.
"Have fun with the others. Actually I'm coming with you down there." I put my book away and jumped over the table. I grabbed my backpack. I followed her all the way down to Nikki.
"Oh my god! Nikki Bella, I love you so much I'm such a fan!" Megan shook her head.
"Aww thanks, I love you too. Wait Lexi what are you doing." She started laughing. I did too.
"Well I was doing homework till this chicka came along. I decided to follow her down here. Do you know where Steph is?" She looked down and pointed.
"Down there." I nodded. We walked by lots of superstars and I introduced myself and told them I was John's daughter. They didn't believe me but eh. We kept on walking and Megan got her autographs. We finally got to Steph.
"Hey Steph." She looked up. She was signing Megan's paper.
"Oh hey Lexi, what are you doing in the line? You should be sitting by your dad and Dean."
"Oh I know but I decided to hang out with Megan. Well I was sitting but then she came and so we're hanging out now. I was wondering if you could hold my bag and possibly take to our room."
"Yeah sure. See ya later." I waved and me and Megan went back to John. We found him.
"I need some Starbucks, you want some?" She nodded. "Hey dad can I have some money? Please." I put puppy face. He sighed.
"Well we are at the mall and plus I need some Starbucks." Randy butted in.
"You had Starbucks this morning."
I turned to him.
"A woman can have endless amounts of Starbucks." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Why are you so immature?"
"Because being mature is boring duh." I gave him my 'duh' face.
"Fine, here's $400. Spend it wisely." I looked at the money he just gave me. He literally just gave me $400.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged him and ran off to the Starbucks that was right next to Barnes & Nobles. We ordered and left. We went straight to Tillys. They had penny boards for sale for $99. I got one and so did Megan. She had her own money since she worked. I did too. Oh my god I forgot to quit my job. While me and Megan were riding around I took out my phone. I know what you're thinking.  'How in the world did you get a job?' I can't answer that question. All I know is that my boss is crazy. Actually I don't have to call. I work at hot topic. "Hey Megan, wanna come with me to my job?"
"Yeah sure." We got off and walked in.
"Hey Lexi. You didn't come in yesterday, but I saw you on t.v. What happened?" How could I tell them.
"Haha well um. I'm quitting. I love working with you guys, but it's just that I'm touring with my dad, John Cena now so um yeah. Here's my badge." They looked at me with disbelief.
"I'm glad you finally found your dad. and also keep the badge. I want you to remember us. Forever. We need to take the ultimate selfie right now." Megan was looking around. I got everyone from the back. We got in a group and took the selfie. I was in front. I hugged everyone. I was crying so much.
"I'm gonna miss all of you so much. Tracy, you have to send me that. Guys text me anytime, and I'll text you guys when I'm in wesley chapel or I'm in tampa again." We all hugged one more time. I started looking around the store, even though I already know what's here. I guess they got a new shipment of All Time Low tanks. I looked at them. They looked nice. I decided to get one. I also got some other clothes and accessories. That reminded me that needed to go clothes shopping. I walked up to the cash register to see my old boss.
"Hey Tracy, I just remembered I had to go clothes shopping for the tour, so why not shop at my old job."
We both laughed.
"Hey today we have dresses on sale. I dare you to pick at least two dresses and wear one out the store. I'll even pay." Oh she knows I don't back away from dares. And plus she'll pay if I do. But she also knows I hate dresses. I walked over to the dresses. Eh, the dresses here are decent. Everyone was chanting  'Do it, Do it.' Wow so much love here.
"Hey, Tyler, come over here and take down the black skull one and the Hells rabbit one." He looked at me like I went insane.
"Oh my god, she's actually doing it!" He came over and took them down. He took down the exact size I am. What? Everyone who works here knows my size. I walked back to the cash register and put them down. Everyone was waiting. Tracy paid for my clothes. I picked up the black skull dress and took off the tag and threw it away. I went over to the dressing room and put on the dress. I always thought dresses were uncomfortable, but this one fit perfectly. I'm lucky I'm wearing black vans. I walked out and everyone was cheering. I heard someone whistle and it was Tyler. I glared at him. I put my other clothes in one of the bags.
"Well, she finally did it. She completed the dare." I heard people taking pictures.
"Oh shut up." I said it playfully. I laughed with all of them. "Well I guess this is a goodbye." I hugged all of them one last time. After I left my phone was blowing up with Twitter. Everyone was tagging me with the dress picture. I stood in the doorway. "Really guys." Everyone said 'yes' and 'yup.' I shook my head in disbelief. Me and Megan rode all around the mall. It got really hot and we got really hungry. We went to this new restaurant. It looked nice. I looked at the menu. I looked at Megan.
"What are you getting?" She shrugged.
"I don't know." When we finally ordered we sat down. They called us up and we sat back down eating our food. Once we finished we left. We rode a little more. We went to journeys. We walked in. This is where Megan works. And yes we set up our jobs so we have the same days off and the same lunch breaks and everything. You could say we hang out all the time. I got some new vans and a couple DMs. When we walked out we rode back to Barnes & Nobles. There was a huge line still. I looked at the time. It was already 1:28. We got off our penny's and walked past the crazed fans. It was so cold when we walked in. I walked to John.
"Hey you look hungry. You want anything?" He looked at me. He nodded. I have an idea. I got my phone out and went to notes. I'll buy everyone in the WWE food. I put down what John wanted. Me and Megan split the table so I pay for half and she lays half. I went to everyone. Almost everyone was surprised I was wearing a dress. So I told them the story. Once I got to Aj I asked her the question I've Been asking everyone.
"Hey Aj, you want anything to eat. I'm paying." She looked at me.
"Omg girl, you're wearing a dress!"
"I know. I went to quit my job since I work at hot topic, or used to. So my old boss dared me two pick at least two dresses and wear one of them, and if I did that she'd pay for all my clothes. So I did it." She looked at me.
"Wow, well yeah I am kinda hungry." She told me what she wanted. Once I got everyone's orders I started heading out. I found Megan. She was waiting for me in front of Barnes & Nobles.
"Ok who do you have first and what did they want." She told me and we went our separate ways. I went to Moe's first. I got like two bags full of boxed foods. I asked them to put named on the boxes and they agreed. Once I left, this random person came up to me.
"Hello, I'm interning in the WWE. Steph told me to come and help you out with the food. Do you need help?" I looked at her. I didn't believe her. I guess she read my mind because she pulled out her badge.
"Ok yes I do. Do you have like a penny board or like a skateboard?" She nodded and pulled it out of her backpack. "Good follow me on it. Also I need you to hold the bags." She nodded and took the bags. I saw Megan across the street with two bags already. She was riding her penny. We went to all the places we needed and when we finally arrived back the line had died down. Me, Megan, and the intern that I learned her name was Sam, we were passing the foods out to everyone. Once we finished everyone was happy and eating. I think we need a reward. I got Sam and Megan and we rode to the gas station. Once we got there we got peace tea and naked. When we paid and left, we put our drinks in Sam's backpack. We rode back and almost got hit by a car. When we got back, we decided to ride around. I got a call from Tracy.
"Hey what's up?"
"I forgot to give you your last paycheck, or last pay. Are you still at wiregrass?"
"Yeah be over there in a sec." I hung up after that. "Guys, I gotta go to hot topic real quick. Wanna come?" They both nodded.
"Wait for what?" I looked at Megan with a duh expression.
"Well I need to get my last pay."
"Oh yeah." I shook my head. We rode over there.
"Hey bitches I'm back! And drunk as fuck!"
"For the last time, you can't get drunk off of peace tea." I looked at Tyler.
"Shut up let me dream." I glared at him. We all started laughing. I walked up to Tracy. "So you have a present for me?"
"Oh god, how can live without you. Here." She gave me my $380.
"Thank you my lady."
"That's a horrible British accent."
"Aw you're very welcome." Once I left everyone was fake crying. "Yeah I used to work with those idiots."
"Wow I wonder how it feels like to work with them." I looked at Sam.
"Its just like working with the superstars. They always goof around, but always gets their work done somehow." We all laughed. By the time we got back to Barnes & Nobles, everyone was gone. All the fans and everything. I got a text.
Steph has all your clothes and stuff. She's taking it to your room.

Well that was John. I don't have a way to get yo the hotel.
"Hey Sam are you staying at the hotel?"
"Yeah why?"
"Everyone left and I have no way to get there, could you possibly take me there."
"Yeah of course. For a new friend." I smiled when she said 'friend.' I know we will be really good friends.

So that was the new chapter! Like it? Well vote my bitches lol. Also comment on how good it is.

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