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I was jamming out to my music. I went a gas station to get peace tea. When I walked in, a lot of people and kids were coming up to me. I've never had this much attention in so long. And the last time was at school. Right now I just want to crawl into a hole and die. People were asking questions and wanted to take pictures. It wasn't because John Cena's my dad, it's because of the Tony star thing. People were thanking me and saying that I was a hero. I really didn't do anything. I just stabbed him before he got to killing Nikki and then he almost killed me, so... That's it. People were giving me like newspapers to sign and stuff. I looked at the newspaper. It had my name and what happened. "Hey can I take this? Please." The lady I took it from nodded.
"Yeah, can I get a picture? If that's ok with you."
"Sure." She took her phone out and took a picture with me and her. After that, everyone stopped crowding me. I finally got to get my peace tea. Also I got something to eat since I didn't eat since last night. I went to pay. I put the paper in my back pocket and took out my wallet.
"Oh don't worry about it. It's on the house. Thank you so much for getting that guy. You are such a hero." More people saying I'm a hero. I wish I could take that back, but at the same time I don't.
"Oh no, I can't. I don't know why people are calling me a hero. Also it's pretty annoying. Like they want my picture because of that, and not because my dad is a WWE Superstar." I sighed. I grabbed my stuff and left. Omg. Paparazzi. I looked down to my phone so they didn't notice me. I walked back into the store.
"What's wrong?" I looked at the lady that checked me out. I nodded to outside. She saw the paparazzi. I walked around the store. I found some sunglasses and a hat. I found a scarf. I walled to the lady that checked me out earlier. I gave her the stuff.
"Can I get a pack of cigarettes so that it makes me look like I'm older. Don't worry I don't smoke. I hate people who smoke." She looked at me.
"I don't know..."
"Please, I need to get away from them and get back to the hotel my dad and the other superstars are in. Just give me a random pack. I'll pay for them and I'll even just take one and I'll give the rest to you." I put on my puppy face. She sighed.
"Fine." She got them down. I payed for all of them. I put on everything while she was opening the cigarettes for me. She took one out and gave one to me. I put it in my mouth.
"Thanks for the help." I grabbed the bag i had before. The paparazzi came up to me and I gave them a confused look. They went away. I was jumping up and down in my head. I finally got to the car and turned it on. Omg did they take my car? I sped Ashley's house. I knocked on her door. She answered the door. She gave me a confused look.
"I'll explain while we're in the car." She then realized it was me and hugged me. We went to the car.
"Ok, so you know how my mom died?" She shook her head. "Well I need to see if they took my car, and if they didn't I'm going to drive it to your house and leave it there until I come back to Tampa."
"Ok." I turned on my music and we started to jam out. I went to my mom's old house. Well looks like someone already moved in. I took off my disguise. We got out of the car and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door twice. Someone yelled 'coming.' The door opened to a young lady that had brown hair and brown eyes. She saw me and stood there with shock.
"Hi, I'm Lexi and this is Ashley." Ashley waved a bit.
"Oh yeah hello. And I know. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please come in." She stepped aside. "Oh yeah I'm Dolores." She lead us to the living room. "So what are you doing here, at my house." I looked around.
"Oh yeah. Well, this is where I used to live and this is also where my mom died." I'm trying so hard not to cry. "I was just wondering if you still had a black and red mustang in your garage." She nodded.
"Oh I've never seemed to be able to open the garage so probably."
"Can I look around a bit?" She nodded.
"Yeah go ahead." I got up and so did Ashley. I walked to my old room. It looks only a smidge different. Everything's the same except that there is no bed in here. I walked in and looked around. Even my couch was still in its place. I looked by the door. It had my heights from when I was little. It even still had to now. I walked over to the couch. It's still the way it was. I walked to my old desk. I opened it.
"Oh yeah, I've never really gotten to this room yet. I see this might have been your old room?" I nodded.
"Yeah. It was." I looked inside the drawer I just opened in my desk. There was a note I've never seen before.
Lexi, why'd you have to go and snitch on me. Now your mom is dead. The next person I'm going after is your good old friend Dolph. If you don't see this yet, and I'm in jail, again, just be aware. I have friends in places. They will be coming after you and the people you love. Even you. Just a heads up. Have fun.
I looked at it. Dolores and Ashley looked at it. They gave me a hug.
"Don't worry. Just know he can't hurt you anymore. Also you are very strong and the people you love are also very, very strong. They can't get them." I heard Ashley say. I nodded. "Let's get your car now." I grabbed all my letters and mail I had in my desk.
"I'll just leave everything the way it is now. Hey I know I don't know you, but if you ever need a place to stay, just call me and I'll put a bed in here so that you can sleep in here and don't have to spend money on a hotel room." She gave me her number. I nodded.
"I trust you not to kill me in my sleep." We laughed. We walked out.
"Oh yeah, and you can move stuff around but just don't paint the walls. Well don't paint them by the door. That room means so much to me." She nodded.
"Nah, I think I'll just leave it like that and just add a bed or two." We walked outside. "So how are you going to get the garage door open. I took out my keys.
"By a button I have on my key."
"Oh no wonder it wouldn't budge."
"Well duh." I pressed the button. The door slowly opened. It revealed my dusty but still good looking mustang. I clapped and the lights turned on. She watched in amusement. I walked to my mustang and slide my finger across it. It's really dusty. I grabbed a rag we used to keep down here and wet it in the mini sink we had in here. I cleaned my mustang off and grabbed a dry one to dry it off. It looks beautiful. "Well this is my mustang." Dolores looked all around.
"I like this place."
"Well it is your place now. You own this house now and the garage is part of the house. Here." I threw the button at her. She caught it.
"Wow thanks."
"You can make it look how ever you want. But one thing, please leave the clap on clap off lights. I really like them." She nodded.
"Hell yeah. I love these lights."
"Well it was nice meeting you Dolores."
"You too." We hugged. She went inside and left us in the garage.
"Ok so what we will do is, you drive the rental car to your house and I'll follow you. I'm not letting anyone touch my baby." She laughed. I threw the keys at her. "I'm gonna leave my car at your house. You can drive it, but just don't crash it."
"Yeah ok. Promise." She walked out she turned on the car. I got in my car and turned on the engine. It took a couple times but it finally turned on. I plugged in my phone and turned on the music. I drove out since I was smart and put it facing the garage door. I sped out of the garage. I stopped and got out. I pressed a button and the door closed. I sped out of the driveway. I caught up with Ashley and the rental. We finally got to her house. I parked in her garage. I can't let my baby get hot. I took out all my things and went to meet up with Ashley. She was in front of the rental. She took out her hand for the keys.
"Ok this is my-" she tried snatching it. "This is my baby and-" She did it again. I looked annoyed. "And promise to keep her safe and never-" I looked at her.
"Give me the damn keys." She looked really annoyed.
"Wait. Never crash or hurt her. Don't spill anything on her seats and don't scratch her. Don't lose my keys and when I'm back I'm driving her. Remember she is always mine. Just remember these rules and I won't kill you." I smiled. I finally gave her the keys. She gave me back the keys to the rental. "Thanks for coming with me to get my car."
"You are very welcome."
"Oh yeah, I was disguised because of paparazzi." She nodded. We went our separate ways. Once I was in the car I put in my phone. I pulled out of the driveway and went to the hotel. Once I was there I walked to the desk.
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Yes I'm looking for John Cena. I'm Lexi Cena."
"Oh yes, he never moved from his room. He told me if you came to give you this." She gave me the keys.
"Thank you." She nodded. I went to the elevator. I pressed the button. I walked down the hall. I unlocked the door. The light was off for some reason. I guess he's not here. I turned on the light anyways. When I turned on the lights everyone yelled "SUPRISE!" I jumped.
"Oh my god. You guys almost gave me a heart attack." They laughed. I smiled. I looked up and it said 'WELCOME BACK LEXI!' I giggled. We all started talking. We ate food and danced. Steph came up to me.
"Hey Steph."
"Hey. So if you're ready to be on screen again that would be awesome. Also the WWE universe would be happy to see you, since you know who, Dolph, sad you were in the hospital because of what happened with Tony. Also the writers want to put you in a story line with your dad." I nodded.
"Hell yeah. I love being on tv." She smiled.
"Yeah, everyone was so depressed of you being in the hospital, that they started wrestling weird. Look." She showed me a video of ally of fights that people would throw weak punches even when the match just started. It even showed a clip of the shield. Dean looked depressed as ever and he refused to hurt anyone. I covered my mouth. That was all because of me.
"Omg. I feel so bad now."
"Don't be. You are here and well, that's all that matters. So we have to leave tomorrow so we don't miss the next show. We'd love for you to come out and say hi to the WWE universe. Your story line will begin next week. Don't worry I already talked to your dad." I nodded. I walled to my dad. I hugged him.
"Thank you so much." He looked at me confused.
"For what."
"For everything. Thank you for bringing me into the world. Thank you for actually being in my life at some point. Thanks for just everything. Your all I have now and I don't want to lose you." I cried into my dad's chest of the thought of him dying and the thought of my mom. He hugged me.
"It's alright. I'm here and I won't leave you." I calmed down. I hugged him tighter.
"Don't ever go, please." Everyone was staring in awe. We kept on partying till 8. Everyone left and John went to bed. I walked to the room next to his. I guess he got me suitcases. I started packing and left out only the stuff needed for tomorrow. I went over to the bed and fell asleep. Hopefully I don't have at nightmares.
I was sitting in a dark room with only one light bulb. I saw a door. I walked over to it but in wouldn't open. "Silly girl, that won't work." Then I stepped back. The door opened. Nothing but darkness filled the room. I tried to find some kind of light but I couldn't. The only thing I heard were insults. I heard whore, slut, worthless, wast of space. I looked around. I just gave up and let the darkness take me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I felt liquid come out and soon enough I fell. I kept on falling. It was like there was no ending. Then all I heard was a thud. It was my heart, it dropped to the floor. I just lay there dying still. All I could here is, "finally, you're gone."
I woke up screaming and shaking. John burst through the door. He held me in his arms.
"It's okay. It's all over now. It's only just a dream, a nightmare." I feel like a little kid who gets nightmares. These dreams feel so real. He got up and was about to leave.
"Can you stay, please." I could barely talk. He nodded. I scoot over so he could lay down with me. I fell asleep peacefully. I had no more nightmares after that. I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. John wasn't next to me anymore. I smelt waffles so I got up and went out to the kitchen. I sat on the counter.
"What cha making?" He looked at me.
"Well good morning to you too and I'm making waffles." My eyes lite up like a kid on Christmas day.
"Waffles!" I got off the counter and started running. "WAFFLES! I LOVE WAFFLES!" He started laughing.
"Are you Gir from Invader Zim now." I looked at him.
"Hey, he's the one who got me hooked on waffles." I laughed, but it was true. When I was little I would sit in front of the tv watching Invader Zim every morning. Then when Gir came out all I could think was tacos and waffles. I loved Gir so much that I started eating Waffles every morning. I really don't like tacos so I stuck with waffles. I sat at the table as dad served waffles. I took a bite. Oh mah gawd.
"You make the best waffles! I'm coming to you every morning now. You're gonna make me waffles every morning and you can't say no!" We started laughing. We ate in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. When I finished I washed my plate.
"Hey dad, when are we leaving to get on the plane?" He looked at me with a mouth full of waffles. I giggled at him.
"At 12." He said with his mouth full. I looked at the time. It's 9:45. I need to get ready and finish packing.
"Just so you know, it's 9:45." He got up real quick.
"I need to get packing. I haven't even started." I looked at him. Is he crazy. You're supposed to pack at least the day before. Not at the last minute. I shook my head I went to my room and took out what I needed for the plane trip and what I need for right now. I went to the bathroom and started stripping. I got in the shower and let the warm water hit my body for 15 minutes. I started washing my body and washing my hair. When i was done I got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way to my room. I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner, and my body wash. I put it in my bag with all my other clothes. I grabbed my clothes and started getting dressed. When i was finished, I finished putting my clothes in the suitcases. I put what I needed in my carry on. I put my laptop, my phone, my charger, and my headphones. When I was finished it was 10:13. I got a text from Steph.
Start heading to the airport.

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