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ꜜ¡ warning/s   mentions of cigarettes ¡ꜜ


and another sigh accompanied his amber eyes tinted with the thinnest layer of grey, sight wearily tracing the prominent swirls carved into his ceiling.

Suna Rintarou was waiting for her to arrive, deserted pupils lacking a visible spark switched between the terrance designed with sheer curtains dyed blue, identical to cinderella's extravagant gown - and the unorganised closet, accompanied with multiple articles of active wear crawling beyond the gap of its unsecured doors. 

His aching feet rubbed against the crinkled comforter, a lousy attempt to ease into the softness he felt never truly caressed his skin and disturbed his slumber instead.

Stars winked in painful anticipation, the crescent moon's cheesy smile illuminated the fragile leaves once wrapped around the holy figures of Adam and Eve now crippled over the terrace rails, hope that drowned his pulsating heart reached it's peak, and the chilly wind desiring to tease his stark flesh bellowed out her name once more.

"Will you even show up tonight?" Suna whispered to himself, fighting the itching urge to grasp the spare (and only) cigarette hidden between the barriers of his bedside drawer.

"Are you going to throw that away or should I?".

"Y/n?" His head perked up from his fluffed pillow with lips pursed, teeth sunk into his lower lip and bit subconsciously, praying he had heard correct.

Although her voice reached his flushed ears, she herself hadn't graced his vision until his tired eyes steered towards the balcony, stygian silhouette visible through the swaying fabric which casted her shadow upon his expensive floorboards.

"Will you come in?" He startled the tranquility, and she hummed in response, creeping around to finally unveil herself to the man who repeatedly wished he saw her before the effulgent sun woke and reflected its beloved rays upon Japan's uneasy tides.

A simple and short blanche gown sewn from the finest of strands discovered in god's paradise slept upon her velvet skin which suited her extremely well. He couldn't imagine her in a garment more beautiful than what bore her figure when she stopped by and wished him goodnight. The weak straps tended to collapse exposing her bare shoulder to his subtle pecks of adore and at times his palms trailed her plush thighs that were further exposed when the innocent threads unintentionally rode up.

It was a rare occurrence - he knew she wasn't allowed to stay out for long but he especially treasured moments she nestled into his chest and permitted his actions to speak louder than his words.

"You're always so pessimistic," she pointed out treading towards him, his lazy stare now alert and ready to tug her by her dainty fingers to lay beside him, which he did a few seconds later. However she refused, settling to sit instead. She cupped his jaw, the pad of her thumb caressing his cheek faintly splashed with a shade like one's sophisticated rouge liquor.

Whilst he shuffled across to free up room for the girl who occupied his mind she added, "I'll always be here.".

He wasn't much of a talker, but his mouth spilt nothing but his contained thoughts relieved to snag a tremendous inhale of precious air when she entered his extremely barred personal bubble.

"I'll come with you," the plead in his tone so adamant and a statement she heard every time she came by. This night differed because she scoffed instead of cooing lines of reassurance and snatched her hand out of his unimpressed.

"What by destroying your lungs?" It's a thought that chose not to linger, one that passed through like a rapid wave, but it made Suna pause for half a second because of the weight it carried. What if he broke his clean streak and it resulted in his death?

Y/n noticed the functioning gears within his mind turn and jabbed a finger into his sturdy chest before squinting; "It won't work. You'll join me one day, I told them about you and I can guarantee you we'll be together again, just not tonight.".

In response Suna sighed in defeat, his desperation never paid off. He fidgeted with the edge of his duvet, almost embarrassed to meet her gaze for suggesting such an absurd idea. The woman perfectly seated in front of him pinched his cheek playfully, a timid smile pestering her scowl, "It's time I leave love.'.

What? It hadn't even been half an hour. "So soon?" And she merely nodded, stroking over his rough knuckles bruised from the constant distraction of training.

He poked at his lips, tongue dragging over the skin as he mulled over his next choice of vocabulary. When he continued, his voice was thicker than before. "Fine, leave then..." he huffed, mouth a thin line before his silly grudge softened, "Will you be here tomorrow?".

Suna knew the answer, he knew she would never disappoint and stuck to her word like the promise physically squeezed her hopeless heart in attempt to tame its urgent beats but the question arose every time regardless of his certainty.

Despite his blunt personality and mundane tone, Y/n was truly the only one who witnessed and understood a side beneath surface level he refrained showing others. So she leaned in and pecked his nose, swift to escape his lean in for a proper kiss.

"Wait for me." She gently answered.

And before Suna knew it; it was 8:23 AM. The cigarette he nearly crawled back to crushed below him, the fresh damage created from his heavy step, its insides scattered and the possibility of resting between his thin lips zero.

about time I treated you guys to something new and a lil different.

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