♠ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 ♥

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Standing in the dark kitchen, rain pouring down from the clouds and muddying the ground. You grip the sudsy rag, silently washing the expensive glassware. Even though it was late, and even though you didn't need to work tonight, you've managed to convince King Philza to let you stay.

"It'll be raining tonight, and I'd rather not get caught in the rain. It takes quite a while to clean my uniform, you know," You had given King Phil a knowing look, referring to the dark navy blue clothing. 

The uniforms given to higher-ranked workers have different unique designs. After all, it had been custom tailored to fit you. Your uniform, in particular, had silver designs. For example, the vest you wear has silver patterns, almost reminiscent of the clothes that the princes wear.

He sighed, "Fine. You know where the guest rooms are,"

And since then, you've been in the castle. You had been in a particularly cleaning mood, opting for getting some chores done so tomorrow could be easier to venture through. You had plans to leave early tomorrow, having plans to meet up with a close friend of yours.

Just about finished with the last few wine glasses, you make sure to get into every little crevice with the gold designs. Your entire focus was on the dish, leaving you naïve to the rapid footsteps running up to the grand kitchen doors. 

The sudden force that slams the doors open leaves you fumbling with the glass, almost dropping it. You end up lucky; the glass is left safe in your hands. Your head snaps behind you, your face contorted into a confused expression. 

Prince Tommy stands before you. His usually ruffled hair is more tousled this time, stray blonde strands fall over his face. His blue eyes are widened and scared, and he was heavily breathing. He scrambles over towards you, rambling on about what could've happened to Wilbur, Tommy's older brother.

Prince Wilbur is the 'middle child', only being a few minutes younger than Prince Technoblade, the 'eldest'. Wilbur has always been more introverted than his brothers, finding comfort in his cluttered study or the royal library. 

Of all three brothers, it also seems as if Wilbur has the most controversies. An affair with a pirate, resulting in the birth of a halfling, and the possible death of said pirate. Of course, Wilbur never confronted these, mainly because they're such small rumours.

You had to physically stop Tommy from rambling, placing the wineglass on the marbled counters, then placing your hand on his mouth. He stops, staring at you for a second before sighing. Your hand goes back to your side. 

His gaze stays fixated on the tiled floor as he mumbles a quick sorry. A few more seconds of silence pass before he snaps his gaze back towards you, his expression much more worried.

"Wilbur! It's Wilbur! He's gone missing, and I can't find him anywhere!" Tommy clenches his fists in his hair. "And I've already looked everywhere he usually goes! Including the library!"

Now it's your turn to be surprised. Wilbur isn't the kind of person to wander outside the castle, let alone without telling anyone. 

"Have you checked the garden?" You push yourself off of the counter, untying your apron and throwing it to the side.

"Yes! He's not there either!"

You stop and think, tuning out Tommy's concerned rambles. All the possibilities run through your mind, but there was only one that made your brain hurt. A kidnapping or, just maybe-

"Is he with Techno?" You spoke. Tommy flinches and turns your way. 

"I haven't checked," Tommy mumbled before loudly groaning, "Augh! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"

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