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I'm quite excited for the dinner with the new summer neighbors. I love making new summer friends. And meeting the boy will be pleasant I hope. Anyway it's time to get ready. I sit in my dresser as I get ready and I look towards my left to see what I think to be the new boy. I guess our window are right across from each other. I guess I should really get curtains.
I get changed into a simple floral white dress.

"There here hunny!!" I heat my mom call and I rush downstairs

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"There here hunny!!"
I heat my mom call and I rush downstairs. My mom forces me, my dad, and my 2 younger sisters to get next to each other perfectly.
"Hello!!" Mrs. Johnson say's "Oh hi hi hi!" My mom replies and guides them in.
"This is my daughter Amelia" "Hello nice to meet you Mrs and Mr Johnson's" I say with a big smile. "Oh your so gorgeous you'd be perfect for my son Benjamin isn't that right Benny" he rolls his eyes in response and rudely says hello to me. What's this guys problem. "Hello Mr and Ms Roberts" he says with a half of bit of friendly-ness.

   After we all greet each other we sit down at my table and begin socializing and eating our appetizers. "So Benjamin how old are you?" I say with a smile. "16" he replies coldly. "Me too!! I'm so glad there's another person my age around her I felt like I had no one!" I said nicely. "yeah I guess" he said. Now what the hell am I doing wrong? I'm being very polite and Im saying the right stuff. I think. Let's just give this one more shot. "So tell me more about yourself! Do you like the beach? I absolutely love it. We share a private beach together so if you like it just as much as I do well probably see each other" I say smiling. He leans closer to me. "Listen smiley, I don't care about anything that you have to say. All you've been doing is blabber and as amazing that is listen to I really would rather go deaf"

"o okay" I say as my smile fades. I guess it's good for there to be people in the world to really just tell you how you really are. I mean at-least I know now. Actually it's probably even for the best that he told me. I just really wish he would've kept that to himself. I have been a lot more happy lately. Yeah I  guess I've talked more often then lately but I prefer myself that way. If he just would have not said anything I feel like my summer would be a lot better then how I think it might turn out.

    For the rest of the dinner I stick quiet unless I'm directly asked a question. "Are you alright honey? You seem quiet." God dammit it mom why did you have to say that. All eyes are on me now damn it. "I'm okay I just have a stomach ache can I be excused?" I say with pleading eyes. "I guess so sweetie but come down when they're leaving to say your goodbyes" I nod and fast walk upstairs.

I honestly feel so guilty now. I probably ran my mouth so much before I got my wake up call. I just sit in bed and lay there. Minutes are going by but they feel like hours. I just sit here and stare at my ceiling. No sadness no guilt anymore I'm just feel idk bleh I guess. There's no real word for what I'm feeling.

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