Remington's Secret

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Gregory Remington was one year younger than Katherine, but he looked barely of-age. His cheeks were round and rosy, his hairstyle like that of a teenage boy, and he was at the height of youth fashion. It didn't help that he was pudgy; Katherine wondered if a 20-year-old man might still be able to have "baby fat". It didn't hamper his image at all, it only made him cuter.

He sat outside a sweet shop at a small iron table. The filigreed iron chairs had their backs to the store so that diners could watch people passing on the streets.

Katherine had to hand it to him - the location was a very trendy date spot for young couples. Marguerite's Ice Cream and Sweets was always busy, but it seemed to double once the social Season began. He must have waited hours the capture a table (or paid a servant to do so). Either option showed foresight, which Katherine admired.

She smiled and waved, sliding into the seat across from him. His smile back created deep dimples in his clean-shaven cheeks. He looked more like a cherub up close, with his blond hair and blue eyes luminous in the late morning sun.

"Good morning, my lady," Gregory said, his grin genuine and innocent. "I'm so glad you accepted my invitation."

"Thank you for having me," Katherine said politely. "Have you eaten yet?"

She hadn't, and was secretly hoping he'd say no so she could have a full meal. Between getting dressed and writing the Empress, she ran out of time for a nice breakfast.

"A little breakfast at seven," he said. "Since you're here now, could you hold the table? I can get us something to eat. Do you have a favourite?"

Everything. Anything, Katherine wanted to say. "What do you plan on having?"

"I thought I'd have a classic sundae."

Katherine tried to control her joy and her stomach's growling. "Same for me, please. And an extra banana... for the health benefit," she added.

As Gregory waited in line, Katherine looked around the busy downtown street. It was a popular shopping area. Usually frequented by upper class socialites, each shop along Orchard Row was highly specialized. At the end of the street, a gorgeous view of the white castle was flanked by taller and fancier townhomes and miniature estates. Each one was owned by a titled noble family for their business needs in the capital. Out of season, they sat empty, staffed by professional house sitters.

At the other end of Orchard Row was a huge public garden. It took nearly ten minutes to walk from one side to the other at an appropriate pace. Just over the tips of the trees, one could see the top floor of the hospital. Landed gentry owned smaller townhomes around the park and in the neighbourhoods beyond.

There was so much money flowing through the shops in this street, Katherine imagined she was swimming in it. Wouldn't it be just wonderful if her wine was featured in Egin & Burke's Cellar? Even in her first life it was a dream that was left unaccomplished.

Before she could start planning her great wine takeover, Gregory was back with the sundaes.

"You're off to the hospital after this?" he asked, gesturing down the road toward the park.

"Yes. Every Tuesday since I was 15 I've spent the afternoon at the hospital."

"Why there? It's so... um... many young ladies prefer fundraising, visiting, or baking. I heard you were actually working with patients."

Katherine shrugged, half the first banana already eaten. "I guess I prefer seeing results from my efforts."

Gregory nodded. "I can see that. My family owns a shipyard; watching the ships roll off the line is always gratifying. You can see where all of the hours went."

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