Ice cream date- A.A

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Me and Alex have been dating for 5 months as of today. He was taking me on a date today! We are going to the beach to watch the sunset. I was currently getting ready.
"Girl calm down its Js a date. You've been in a million work Alex before" my best friend tells me

"ik it js 5 months is a big deal" I complain

"okay what are you wearing?" she asks

"idk" I admit

"GIRLLL give me 5 mins" she says then hangs up


"what have I done?"I think to myself

about 5 minutes later she busts into my room

"move" she says pushing past me and going to my closet

"no hey?" I ask joking

"no your date is in 30 minutes and we still have a lot to do" she says looking at my clothes

"here we go!" she says showing me the outfit

(can't change) (hair will be like the picture 2)

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(can't change) (hair will be like the picture 2)

"it looks great" I tell her

"I know!" she smiles

she walks out and I get changed

"you can come in now" I yell

"okay now its time for hair" she pulls out my vanity chair "sit"

I sit down and she starts to work on my hair.

"done!" she says. I get up and look In the mirror

"Thank you it looks great!" I smile. she did 2 pig tail braids and my curtain bangs are out around my face.

"make up time!!" she squeals

"no I don't wear makeup" I argue

"its js a little bit" she begs

"fine but js this once" I give up knowing we don't have much time anyways

"yesss" she yells "it will be very light"

she does some concealer, blush, power, highlighter and mascara

"you look so pretty" she tells me

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