15. Kisses (Sam Uley)

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(Published June 23, 2023) 

   The sudden dip in the sofa cushion by my feet was what aroused me from my light slumber. Opening my eyes just slightly, I realized that it was dark outside and I had likely taken quite a long nap. I shifted, turning my sleep gaze to the man who had been the one to wake me up by sitting on the couch.
   "Hi." I murmured, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face.
   "Hi babe. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He replied, giving me a soft smile.
   "I'm glad you did. I missed you today." I stifled a yawn as I spoke.
   A hint of guilt flashed in his eyes. "I know. I'm sorry."
   "You don't have to apologize, Sam." I assured him. "I know how busy you get and the kind of things you deal with."
   He sighed, no being able to argue. Peeling myself up from my warm spot on the sofa, I repositioned to sit next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned onto his shoulder, happily breathing in his woodsy scent.
   I didn't mind waiting for him. Sure, it wasn't always fun, but he loved me and I knew that for a fact. It was more than enough for me to be able to be there for him when he got home, to be someone to listen and care about him.
   His fingers suddenly slid under my chin and gently lifted my face to his. He kissed me softly, his lips slowly gliding across my own. My heart stuttered at this, making him smile slightly into the kiss. The kiss lasted for a good long minute, and we were both smiling like children on christmas morning when we pulled away.
   "See?" I whispered, settling back down into his embrace. "You don't need to apologize when you can kiss me instead."
   He chuckled, giving my shoulders a light squeeze. "You're so easy to please, love."
   "I just like your kisses, that's all!" 

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