28. Sunbathing (Jasper Hale)

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(Published April 19, 2024) 

   It was an extremely rare day for the typically dreary town of Forks, especially in the month of April.  We had all woken up to sunlight pouring from a clear sky, reflecting off of the dew drops in the tall grass and brightening everyone's moods.  My parents went off to work with smiles on their faces, and I somehow made it cheerfully through the school day without seeing my boyfriend.  The Cullens and Hales were never in school when it was nice outside, and I was one of the very few people who knew why.  
   By the time I had gotten home that afternoon, the grass was completely dry.  Dropping my books on the table, I quickly shrugged out of my backpack and slipped off my shoes.  I grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and made my way through the back door out onto the sunny lawn.  After spreading out the blanket on the vibrant grass, I crawled onto it and rolled onto my back, letting the sun warm my skin.  It felt so good!  I had missed the sun's rays during our dark, wet spring days.  
   "You look comfortable." 
   I started at Jasper's voice interrupting my blissful sunbathing.  Turning my head towards the sound, I found him leaning against a tree in the shadow of the forest that lined my backyard.  I grinned.  
   "I can't help it, the sun feels so good." 
   Getting to my feet, I began to make my way towards him.  
   "Grab your blanket, love." 
   With a raised eyebrow, I obeyed.  I bundled up my blanket and tucked it under my arm.  Then, making sure my phone was in my pocket, I hurried over to his side.  I had to stand on the balls of my feet to reach his mouth as I gave him a quick kiss.  He returned the kiss, his mouth quirking up in that half smile I loved so much afterwards.  Taking the blanket from me, he turned around so I could climb on his back.  I laughed quietly to myself as I obliged.  I knew it was childish, but I loved piggy back rides.  
   "Hold on," He reminded me once I was in position.  
   He didn't have to tell me even once.  I always held on tight.  He ran so fast that it was a natural reaction to hold on!  Once my grip was tight, he took off.  We didn't seem to run very far, though, because before I knew it he had stopped.  I hopped off of his back and took in our surroundings.  We were in a tiny clearing where the blotch of sunny grass was just large enough for a big blanket to be spread.  I smiled softly, turning to glance up at Jasper's golden eyes, which were watching me.  
   "It's in direct sunlight," I commented.  
   With a nod, he flipped the blanket out and spread it over the sunny grass.  Rays of sun danced off of his hands and neck as he did, taking my breath away.  I watched as he stretched out on the blanket, leaning up on his elbows in order to look at me.  His brow raised as if to ask if I was going to join him.  I knew I had to soon, or I'd end up going blind from the light he was reflecting.  I wandered over to the blanket and sat down beside him, facing him in a way.  
   "Are you alright with this?" He asked softly, even though he already knew how I was feeling.  
   "Of course!  I didn't get to see you all day.  This is perfect." 
   I smiled before leaning in and pressing another kiss to his cold, shimmering lips.  He smiled as well, making it hard for our lips to stay pressed against each other.  I sat back, moving to lay down on the blanket the same way he was.  He was laying now as well, and his eyes were closed as he soaked in the sunlight...  If he could.  Did vampires 'soak in sunlight' like soft human flesh did?  Probably not.  
   His smirk reappeared and he turned his head to meet my gaze.  
   "What?" I asked when he didn't say anything.  
   "There's something wrong with you." 
   "What?!  That's a bold assumption." I faked outrage, giving him my best playful glare.  
   "Says the girl who quite literally radiates love for a monster." 
   I pursed my lips, not having a quick response for that one.  "Stop reading my emotions." 
   "I can't help it," He mumbled.  "When they're that strong, they seep out and I pick them up without meaning to." 
   "What do you mean, 'strong'?  I don't love you that much," I joked.  
   He snorted, which was very unlike him.  It made my heart stammer.  I loved that he was comfortable enough with me to laugh, snort, and joke around.  It was a side of him that most people never got to see.  
   "Darlin', I've never felt so much adoration in my entire time on this planet.  It's similar those romantic comedies you enjoy watching.  I've never felt a love quite this intense." He rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his hand.  
   "That bad, huh?" I wrinkled my nose at the thought.  "How do you put up with a sappy wreck like me?" 
   "Well, you got lucky.  This ol' southern boy happens to be a bit of a romantic himself," He teased softly.  
   "Old?  A century and a half isn't so very old." I rolled on my side as well, facing his sparkling features.  
   "No?" He grinned.  "I'll remember that next time you struggle to get off of the couch and call yourself old."  
   "Hey now, my joints ain't stone like yours!  They're creaky fragile bones," I said with a laugh.  
   "As they should be." 
   I rolled my eyes before flopping onto my back again.  "Enjoy the sun, sparkle nose.  There's rain in the forecast for tomorrow." 
   He simply chuckled, laying back down as well.  He scooted a little closer to me, entwining his fingers with my own.  I let out a small, happy sigh before closing my eyes.  There wasn't much on earth that was better than sunbathing with the man who stole my heart.  

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