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Minjeong took a deep breath in, putting on her mask. "You are not going to beat me, brother. You know you always lose and then let it ruin your day." She shifted her sabre in her hand, feeling nice and loose.

Her brother challenged her to another dual. Duals that her twin always lost. It was a bit hilarious that he still continued to challenge her. But she was glad her brother also still wanted to spend time with her, as they had always been dealing ever since they were younger. Even if Beomgyu was reluctant to sometimes, he would laugh before going to get his gear.

Although, this time, even if it was difficult to decipher his expressions, she knew he was somehow rolling his eyes. He always became quiet all of the sudden. The younger twin would chuckle before standing in her starting positions. They would both become incredibly serious while waiting for the referee.

Her brother tilted his head slightly, and the brunette had noticed it, awaiting his words. "Let me guess, you have a special move to use on me today?" Beomgyu taunted but his sister only laughed in amusement.

The queen simply shook her head, ignoring his ruses. He was trying to distract her but she knew better to fall for his tricks. "I will beat you with the very moves you know I use the most. Plus, I have been distracted, so maybe today shall be your lucky day." Minjeong nodded off at the referee, letting him know that they weee ready to begin.


Minjeong was the first to lunge forward to gain the first of the way. Beomgyu was quick to defend her attacks, but he was being force to move back. The queen gave him a moment, pausing in her attack to reset. The prince only grunted in response, still staying alerted.

A smile of adorn made way to her lips as she gave her older brother a moment to breath. "Stay on your toes, brother." Minjeong reminded Beomgyu, he movies .

Beomgyu huffed before advancing toward Minjeong. He began his attack, thrusting foward at his sister. But Minjeong performed a coupé, striking for an indirect attack. It managed to be very effective as the older twin had to lean back to avoid the tip of the blade.

The brunette paused,raising an eyebrow. Beomgyu had gotten better. She grinned brightly, excited that her brother had finally made an effort to beat her instead of giving up. When they were younger, Minjeong had always been better, easily beating the older boy. Beomgyu was bigger than her of course, maybe a little stronger too, but he let his ego get to him sometimes. This resulted in burst of his emotions, anger escaping from him as he threw his mask on the ground.

He had gotten better controlling his emotions and Minjeong reminded him to always persevere no matter had bad it became.

Minjeong took the chance to advance, quick movements to throw her twin of balance being utilized. It wasn't long before the referee had called for a point. The brunette smiled as she caught her breath.

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