Chapter Eight

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"AND THAT'S A WRAP EVERYONE!" The director said. I walked off set to my dressing room. I was retrieved my things then my phone rang. I got a message from Daniel. "I can't wait to see you tonight." I smiled. As soon as I put my phone up there was a knock on my door. It was my assistant. "Ms James you have a visitor." I smiled. "Hey babe." Matthew smiled at me. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming" "What? I can't surprise my girlfriend? You expecting someone else?" His tone got deeper. "What? Babe your'e overreacting. Chill" My phone vibrated. I ignored it. Matthew sighed. "I'm sorry I should've never act-" My phone constantly vibrated. "Who the fuck is texting you like that!" He tried to take my phone I snatched away. I looked at him crazy. "And who the fuck are you talking to like that. Turn down." He came up to me and grabbed my wrist. I looked down at my wrist. "Are you fucking crazy! Get the fuck off of me!" I said snatching away. "You gone get yours. Be at mine before 9." He said pointing in my face and left. Is he fucking crazy?! Aw hell no,see I ain't them other hoes he was fucking with before me. I angrily grabbed my things and went to my car. I drove to my condo and there was a car that was parked in my spot. I angrily slammed my steering wheel. "WHAT THE ENTIRELY FUCK!" I found a spot and walked in my condo. I went to my bedroom and Daniel was on it staring at his phone. "Hey" he said looking at me. I rolled my eyes walking to my closet. He was confused. "What's your problem?" He asked walking into the closet. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Nothing, nothing's wrong." He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "you sure?" He asked kissing my neck. I moaned quietly. I turned around and kissed him on the lips. "I'm positive. C'mon let's go" I said grabbing his hand and leading him to the bed.


"Oh my god" I breathed out as Daniel collapsed beside me catching his breath. "You've gotten better?" I asked. He smirked and kissed my neck. "Maybe." His phone rang. He went for it but I grabbed it and threw it across the room. "Really? What if it was something important?" "I'm pretty sure it's Jessica and if she was important you wouldn't be in bed with me." He just stared at me shaking his head. "I would say the same for you. Speaking of how are you and that Matthew nigga?" He asked rubbing my leg. I rolled my eyes. "I don't even wanna talk about him." "Is that why you were so angry when you came in the house?" I was silent. He nodded. "Okay you don't wanna talk now but you will have to even-" he was cut off by the doorbell. We both looked at each other and quickly put our clothes on. " Who the fuck is at your door?" "I don't know." I said looking at the clock. It was nearing 12. It's probably Matthew because I didn't come over. I peeped through my door hole. Oh hell no. I swung the door open. "Armana." She mean mugged me. "Jessica." "Where is my man?" I smirked. "Daniel! Your girl is here." She tried to come in but I blocked her. "Oh hell no, you can't come in." She side eyed standing behind the door. Daniel walked to the door. "How you know I was here?"


"I would have figured you was at this-" I cleared my throat signaling her to chose her words carefully. "At this girl's house. I checked Spin's and he said you had to be here." "What's up?" I asked. "I wanted to tell you I went to the do-" "Can you give us a minute?" I said looking at Armana. "Oh give you space in my house? Sure." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as she went to the kitchen. "Now what about the doctor's?" "I went and said I'm four weeks." I rubbed my temples. Being a father at 24 is a bit much. And if Armana found out Jessica was pregnant she would be pissed off expecially if she found out about not wearing condoms with her. I do wear them I was a little drunk and forgot to put one on. "Babe what's the, you not excited." "I just wouldn't imagine a child at 24." "Well we'll learn when it comes." I shrugged and sighed. "I guess. I'll see you when I get home." "Your'e not leaving with me?" "I have a lot on my mind Jess." She rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. "Whatever." She turned around and left. I shut the door and sighed. I turned around and Armana was right behind me. "SHIT MANA!" She laughed. "What?" "You scared the shit out of me!" I said catching my breath. She died laughing walking to her couch. "What did Ms. Jessica want?" I laughed nervously. "Uh-Uh- Nothing. Just checking up on me I guess." I rolled my eyes. "Aww when's curfew?" I side eyed her. She laughed again. "Wait how did she know where I lived?" I shrugged. I sat on the couch as she turned the TV on. During the show I turned and looked at her. "What?" She asked noticing me looking at her. "Nothing..You know I love you right." She smiled. "Yeah I know. Everyone love me." She said flipping her hair. I playfully shoved her as we laughed. Man how am I'm gonna tell her I got Jessica pregnant?

A short chapter. Will update soon.

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