Chapter Eighteen

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I rolled my eyes and turned around, heading for the kitchen.  When I got there I failed to realize Dia was still here. When she noticed my presence she eyes me the whole time going to the fridge. I grabbed a water bottle and turned to her taking a sip. She stared at me as if she was going to murder me. "Dia what are you still doing here?" I asked her. "What the hell is your problem?" she said raising her voice. I looked at her like she had two heads. "Excuse you?" She nodded and smiled. "Let me rephrase. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" "Hold on hoe, you not about to get outta pocket with me. Check your tone before you talk to me." She started breathing hard. " I've been here for Daniel and you come on here and fuck him?! You fuck my man!!" She said pulling out the knife she presumably had in her lap. She looked at me to see if I was it intimidated. "Bitch I'm suppose to shake? This ain't know crazy bitch in a Fanfic, so put that shit down and leave, please and thank you" I said about to walk out of the kitchen. Dia rushed out of the seat putting the knife on the counter and pulling m back by my arm. I jerked back looking at her crazy. "You have one-" "You don't fucking deserve him. Since day one I've seen you walking around like your queen when you ain't nothing but a side hoe. Sneaking around when both of you were in a relationship. A pregnant side hoe at-" My hand came hard across her face, stoping her from going on. "BITCH!" I was gonna go towards her but I felt a strong pair of arms lift me up.  I didn't see anyone but here. "I swear to god when I get out of-" "HES MINE HOE! I TOLD YOU THIS SHIT FROM THE BEGINNING!!!!!!" She screamed as I struggle getting out of the persons grip.
Daniel POV
I paused looking at Dia. I slowly recognized her features in her face. "Stasia?" "YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Armana yelled still trying to get out of my grip. Stasia looked at me with teary eyes. "Yes baby it's me. I love you. And Armana she's crazy baby. She's nothing but a whore who opens her legs for anyone . And she's who we won't know." I looked at her and Armana crazy. Armana stopped and looked at me. "Youre pregnant?" I asked her.  "Dig she's lying and obviously crazy." "Crazy? Then how the fuck you would know that Jessica was at the clinic? Hmm. Because your skank ass had a appointment." "Okay it's time for your crazy ass to go." Spin said grabbing Stasia and dragging her to the door. "NOOO GET OFF OF ME DIGGY BABYY, YOU SAID YOU APPRECIATED AND NEEDED ME THIS MORNING!!!"I still was in the daze with Armana being pregnant. Armana finally got out of my grip looking at me. "Dannn" she said softly. "You're pregnant?" She looked at me as if she was about to cry. She shook her head. "No" "Then what is she talking about." She took a deep breath. "I wasnt pregnant" I looked at her crazy. "You got a abortion?!" She was about to speak but I pushed past her to my room. "Danny no I didn't, I just said I wasn't pregnant, never was I!" I turned around and looked at her. "So what was she talking about you going to the clinic" she sighed and sat down. " I thought I was, I took a pregnancy test and it said yes, but I wasn't sure so I went to the clinic to confirm. The test was wrong"  "Why didn't you tell me this?" " I didn't tell no one but B found out so she was just there." " I really wished you could've told me, I'm your bestfriend." "What, so I could look like the hypocritical bitch in this situation." "No you weren't." "Yes I was" she yelled standing up. "Like do you see the occurring events between me, you and the Jessica situation?  Infidelity, and getting pregnant. It's like we're looking in the fucking mirror. I've been coming at Jessica when I was really talking about myself too." I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Don't say that. It may seem like that but it's different."  "I don't think we should get invo-" "Mana don't  run that shit by me." She got out of my hold. "I'm serious Daniel, were both fucked up people. How can we be in a relationship and all we've done is fuck people over?" I didn't have an answer. She was completely right. She sighed.  I grabbed her. "Look I really want this. I'm more than sure. Just give it a try." She looked at me. "Ok Daniel." I smiled and kissed her.

2 years later
"So you're pregnant?" I asked in disbelief. I looked at her smiling. She nodded beaming herself. I looked at her stomach. I gave her a tight hug. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a uncle." Vanessa laughed at me. "Well believe it" she looked at Armana.
"How come you never told me?" Daniel asked me. "She told me to keep it a secret" I pouted.  "He looked back at Vanessa. "How come she was the first to know." He pointed. "I was already with her. I saw a pregnancy test in her trash." "Creep" she said. "Thanks." I replied. I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. Going in the fridge I felt a pair of arms on my waist. "Happy to be Uncle Dig?" I said turning around to face him. " Yes but I would be even more happy to become Daddy." He smirked. "You already are" I smirked at him.He smacked his lips. "Cmon you know what I mean" Me and Dig have been dating you a two years and some change. Next week will make three. We're doing so good. When we finally broke it to our families, they just laughed in our faces as if it wasn't news. I guess they knew at some point it would happen. Through the course of years, this man has been asking for a child. We're 26 so I guess he wants to finally settle and have a family, but I just don't want to force it. "Dig we talked about this already I just don't-" "Want to force it I know." He cut me off with. I rolled my eyes. "But it isn't gonna really happen unless you stay off the pill." I pouted. "You just found out you're gonna be a uncle again and you wanna have a kid. Can't you just be happy with being uncle for now?" I whined. "No, and trust me you're getting knocked up next." He smiled kissing my lips and walking off. I scuffed. "That a threat?" I asked. He turned on his heels staring at me smirking. "Oh baby, that's a promise." He said leaving the kitchen. "Oh god." I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my water bottle going back to the kitchen. I sat down with Nessa and Dig, talking about the baby. I looked around noticing Ava wasn't in the room. I got up and looked for her. "Ava?" I opened the door to my closet. As I turned I seen her playing in my makeup. I cleared my throat. She jumped turning around facing me. "Oh gosh Ava!" She looked like a little clown. "I'm sorry Aunt Mana" she said about to cry. I rushed to her "Oh no you're not in trouble,don't cry." I sat her in my lap, calming her down. When she finally did I noticed her ear to my stomach. She got off my lap and put her hand on my stomach. I looked at her weird. "Um Avs?" "Yes" she responded sweetly. "What are you doing." She took her hand off my stomach smiling creepily at me. "Nothing." "Umm ok, let's wash you're face." We went in the bathroom and washed her face. As I was was drying her face I asked her a question. "So Ava why were you rubbing Aunt Mana's tummy?" "Because" Just as I was about to say something I heard Vanessa calling her name. She ran downstairs. I followed. When I got down Dig was helping Ava with her jacket. "Oh you're about to leave?" I asked pouting. "Yeah I have to get Ava down for bed, and that can be a hassle." I laughed and gave her a hug. "Ok." I crouched and gave Ava a little bear hug too. "Bye Avs" "Bye Aunt Mana" She got out of my hold and jumped in Digs arm. I smiled. He gave Nessa her hug and told her to call him when she get home. I went upstairs to clean up the mess Ava made. I went to the bathroom cleaning up. I opened the bottom cabinet. I sat and stared at the test. I whined at the thought of being pregnant. Like how? I'm on the pill. I took a deep breath and pulled it out. I took it out of the box and did as told. I sat it on the counter. Meanwhile I sat there looking at it. Like what if I was? No you couldn't girl you on the pill, it's 99.9 effective. What about the other .1? Just stared in spaced talking to my self not even noticing the test being done. I took a huge gulp. I reached for it looking at. Just as I did I heard Dig barging in. "Aye babe where did..." He looked at me and the test. He slowly walked over and grabbed. He examined it. A grin spread over his face. He looked up at me. "Well what does it say." I asked nervously. "Don't you mean what does it say Daddy?" Promise accomplished.
And that was the final chapter. I know it was way over due but it's here. Thank you everyone for you're support. I honestly don't know when will be the next time I write, but I hope you all enjoyed and short story. I know I left you with a cliff hanger. But that will only make you wonder if I will make a sequel or not🤔😏bye you guysssss!

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