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In the waning years of Spanish control over the islands known to the natives as the "Maharlika Islands" and to the world as the Philippines, the tides of change were stirring. After three centuries of occupation, the oppressive treatment of the native Filipinos by their Spanish conquerors had sparked countless rebellions. The rebels, who had endured centuries of enslavement, now sensed that their long-awaited freedom was within reach.

The dream shared by every Filipino, even before the revolution began, was on the verge of becoming a reality. The Spaniards were about to relinquish their grip on the Philippines, and the Filipino people longed to be free from the rule of any foreign nation. Little did they know, however, that the Spaniards had one last trick up their sleeves – the "Treaty of Paris," in which America would purchase control over the Philippines from Spain. Another nation was poised to lay claim to the motherland.

Meanwhile, in a serene and humble town in the Philippines, a piercing scream echoed from a small hut known as a "kubo." It was not a cry of danger but rather the sound of struggle and pain. The scream reverberated through the hut, across the rice fields, and into the nearby forest, disturbing birds in flight and unsettling their nests. After several agonizing minutes, the scream subsided, giving way to the gentle cries of a newborn baby.

"A boy, you have a son!" exclaimed the woman known as Madrona, who attended to the delivery of babies in the town.

She wrapped the newborn in clean cloth and tenderly placed him in the arms of his mother, who instantly fell in love with her child. In that moment, she knew that she would love and guide this boy, nurturing him to become a kind, joyful, and honorable man. Meanwhile, pride and happiness radiated from the father's face as he gazed at his wife cradling their newborn son. Filled with joy and excitement, he envisioned their child growing up to be respected, admired by women, and known by all.

The Madrona then inquired, "What name will you give this child?"

The couple exchanged glances, and silence enveloped the hut for a brief moment. Then, the mother spoke, "Anghelo... Anghelo is my son's name."

She looked at her husband, who smiled and was captivated by the name. Clearly, he agreed.

"A beautiful name for a handsome child," complimented the Madrona, accompanied by a warm smile.

Truly, it was a beautiful day – a newborn baby cradled in his mother's arms, the Madrona departing the hut with pride in having witnessed the miracle of life, and the father rushing outside, brimming with excitement, to share the news with his friends in the village, shouting, "I'm a father! I'm a father!"

Yet, this day marked only the beginning of a young boy's journey. Anghelo's path would lead him to fight for his country, embarking on a noble quest to defend the land he loved.

Author's Note:
Let's quickly recap the situation. The Philippines and its predominantly Filipino population were entering a new era. The Spaniards, who had been their captors, were being pushed back by the rebellious Filipinos. Realizing their impending defeat, the Spaniards chose to sell the islands to the expansion-hungry Americans through the Treaty of Paris. Now, let's shift our focus to the characters in this story. We have just been introduced to a couple who have recently welcomed their newborn son, Anghelo. This couple holds significance in the narrative because they are the parents of the main character. I will now endeavor to provide a comprehensive account of their story, tracing their journey from before their marriage to the birth of their son and their aspirations for him to become a mighty hero.

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