Chapter 1: The End of the Beginning.

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(Years Later..)

The Philippines had declared war on America, and major battles ensued. The Filipino people were forced out of their capital city, Maynila, by American troops. Some remained behind, including prominent families and Filipinos who were either neutral or loyal to the Americans. It has begun, America's conquest over the Philippines.

As the Americans advanced, one city after another succumbed to their control, driving the Filipino rebels further from their capital. In response, word of the conflict spread, and fellow Filipinos began arming themselves, preparing to confront the most formidable nation in the world. However, their resistance did not manifest as a unified front; instead, numerous factions, militias, rebel groups, and advocates for national unity emerged, all intent on establishing their version of government over the country.

Yet, none possessed the strength or stability required to rightfully claim the title of "Philippines' first government." Though the Tagalogs managed to try and establish one in the northern region of Luzon, other factions sprouted across the nation. It could be said that the country was grappling not only with its war against the Americans but also with an internal struggle resembling a civil war.

Meanwhile, some Filipinos abandoned their homes and sought refuge in the mountains, away from the brutal acts attributed to the Americans in stories told by refugees. These tales spoke of villages being burned down, men, women, and the elderly being executed, and even children being subjected to rape and abuse. The impact of these stories varied across the country.

While some doubted the veracity of the tales, believing that those who shared them were merely punished for resisting, others fled their lands to escape what they perceived as monstrous behavior. They sought safety, unwilling to risk confirming whether the stories were true or false. However, one thing was certain: the majority of the population was outraged by the actions of the Americans, leading them to arm themselves for a war that had undeniably begun.

( Brief pause )

Somewhere in a peaceful farmland, a young boy played outside their house with his wooden gun, while his parents watched him joyfully from the window.

"Our child brings so much happiness to us, my love," the father said, wrapping his wife in his embrace.

The mother smiled, holding her husband's arms, and glanced back at their son. "Anghelo, come inside now. It's time to eat," she called out, breaking free from her husband's embrace.

The mother headed to the dining table to add final touches to their meal, while their son excitedly ran back towards their house, eager for his mother's delicious food.

The father, now standing alone by the window, looked at his wife and son at the table with a joy o  his face that seemed to convey, "There is nothing better than this." He smiled, but suddenly his expression changed, as if a grim thought had crossed his mind. He excused himself, saying, "Son, my love, you go ahead. I just need to check on something briefly."

"Alright, father!" his son replied. His wife added, "Hurry back, dear. The food will get cold."

He entered a separate room, distinct in design from the other rooms in their now larger house. The door lacked a doorknob and, when closed, was barely visible to the naked eye. Clearly, the father had intentionally concealed this room, as its contents were meant to remain secret. Inside, there were pictures of various places, including buildings and landscapes, with captions written on them. Photos of individuals, some appearing Hispanic and others American, adorned the walls. Additionally, the room housed guns, ranging from pistols to hunting rifles.

It was evident that this man was no ordinary individual. He was part of something greater, the Revolution. He was not a mere rebel but a prominent figure, as indicated by the officer's uniform hanging by the side and the group photograph of him and others in similar attire, striking a military pose. He was one of the founding fathers of one of the largest revolutionary group that emerged in the south-eastern region of Visayas.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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