Chapter 31 : There's What in There?

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"So what is this all about?" Alli asked, walking through the portal and into an interesting-looking building. Tony followed closely behind, and Doctor Strange closed the portal behind them. Doctor Strange stopped walking, turning around and looking Alli straight in the eyes.

"You are Allison Stark, correct?" He asked, staring uncomfortably into her eyes. She nodded taking a small step back, and bumping into Tony who grabbed her biceps.

"Right," She said, and Doctor Strange turned around again, proceeding to walk wherever he was leading them. They turned a corner and saw Bruce standing there.

"I believe you know each other," He said, gesturing to Bruce.

"Banner," She gasped, looking at him in shock.

"Hey Rainbow," Bruce said, looking between Alli and Tony.

"We need your help, the universe is in danger," Doctor Strange said, but Tony and Alli were still shocked to see Bruce after all this time.

"What do you mean danger?" Tony asked.

"Please take a seat," Doctor Strange said, motioning for the couch that was behind them. 

Tony went to sit down, but Alli stayed standing where she was. She didn't feel like sitting and possibly letting her guard. Doctor Strange started waving his hands, and the somewhat dark room exploded into color. Another man came out of the shadows and started explaining what was going on.

"The Infinity Stones," He started, and five stones appeared, "Space, reality, power, soul, mind, and time." Doctor Strange moved his hands over his necklace, and a green stone came out of the beautiful encasement it was in.

"And tell me who this is again?" Tony asked, standing up and moving next to Alli.

"His name is Thanos," Bruce started, but Alli was more focused on what Doctor Strange was doing. 

His hands seemed to be moving a mile a minute, and she was taken aback by the magic he was performing. It was fascinating to watch until her head started pounding. Her hand shot to her head, and in her quick movement, it caught the attention of Doctor Strange.

He waved his hand over the green stone, and Alli bent in half. Tony and Bruce didn't see what was going on, too wrapped up in their conversation. But this didn't go unnoticed by Doctor Strange and his assistant. As he moved his hand over the stone once more, Alli fell to her knees, finally winning over everyone's attention. Tony went over to her, placing his hand on her back.

"Alli?" He asked, with no response. "Alli? Allison!" He was practically shouting now, but it was as if Alli couldn't hear him. 

Doctor Strange stopped moving, and Alli shot up. She let out a scream, opening her eyes. The room was filled with a bright emerald color, flooding every crevasse and crack. Tony sprung up, stepping away from her, and watching as her eyes were no longer her eyes, but instead bright green glowing orbs. She calmed down, collapsing once again, her eyes turning a normal color as she started crying.

"I can't believe it happened," Doctor Strange said, starting to walk towards her. Tony stepped in his way, putting himself between Doctor Strange and his daughter.

"What the hell did you do to her?" He snarled through gritted teeth. Doctor Strange stopped in his tracks, trying to look around Tony at Allison.

"You aren't going to like this," Doctor Strange started, as Tony made himself more of a barrier, "But your daughter does in fact have some stone inside her."

"Excuse me?" Tony asked as Bruce came up behind him, placing a hand on Alli's shoulder as she continued to sob.

"This has never happened before. I don't know how it would get inside of a person without destroying her. But she has the powers of the time stone, that is what just happened. Has she ever told you about traveling through time, or seeing the future perhaps?" Doctor Strange asked, and Alli shuddered, knowing what was coming next from Tony. He turned around on the balls of his feet, allowing himself to get a clear view of Alli.

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