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Now kalapardharsan is going to start everyone present there hastinapura pepole also arrived now ayra also arrived with her family and she is in frist seat she can see very clearly from there now guru dronacharya anocced the rules now aswathama hit to duryodhana name and duryodhana  made his enterd with energy maharaj dhritharashtra is very proud maharani gandhari asking kunti how is her son enter was now tanvi said to liya that he is duryodhana liya not like him tiya ask avya he is duryodhana right avya tell her yesss he is duryodhana and he is cruel i dont like him she said and tiya also nodded her head now abha seating beside tanvi so she ask tanvi that he is cruel right tanvi tell yesss he is he is the reason for pandavs supper
Tiya=bratha they gonna cheat right why can not we stop
Krishna=we cant it has to happen just see
Tiya=okay but duryodhana is curel i dont like him
Krishna=thats not true now see
In other side
Abha=tanvi di how are you abha whisper to her
Tanvi=i am okay she said and start to see the kalapardharsan
Now nakul entre with eagle it drop him at ground he landed but can not win aginest duryodhana next is sahadev entres he also cant win aginest next it yudisthira entres he fall from the height tanvi just gasp at him
Tanvi=no care full everyone sees her than she relese what is did she just smiles
Abha=tanvi di what happend look he...means rajkumar yudishthira landed carefully
Tanvi=nothing she said while seeing yudhisthira
Yudhisthira landed useing his sword safely yudhisthira sees tanvi and assure her he is okay tanvi feel good now yudhisthira also lost now is bhim
Devya=ayra what are doing seat properly
Ayra=jijji but they are losing i want them to win but they will now win i know they are cheating ayra said with sad face
Devya=ayra they will win dont worry
Ayra=rajkumar bhim lets win this she shout when bhim entres duryodhana sees at cowrd to sees who shouted and bhim smile at him than devya widen her eyes and made ayra to shutup then ayra relese what she said she never shouted this louad so she just seat hiding at devya back bhim entre with his mace he hit with his mace to ground and it made ground to shake and it send wind force to duryodhana but he jumped from it and saved but duryodhana said ill about bhim mata and his brith bhim get angry he hit duryodhana and made him injury so he have to go out from there he angryly gone from there
Tanvi=bhim also not able to win
Liya=if he has that much angry how will he win she said looking at him with bored expression krishna laugh at this and they start to see next is arjun when he entred the wall fall on him everyone gasp at that mata kunti start cry and sakuni smile evily at that but next moment arrow come and made duryodhana freeze next moment arjun come from the wall pieces and he shot arrow at his mata kunti made flowers to fall on her feet mata kunti bless him now tanvi liya and tiya avya start to smile at arjun victory now dronacharya get up from his seat
Dronacharya=now i proud to say winner is arjun and he is sarwasersta archery than another man shout from cowrd and come to arena
Tanvi=he is karna she said while looking forward
Liya=karna no now they will humiliate him i cant see that she said with angry but tanvi made liya clam down and tell to see what will happen
Karna=guru dronacharya how can you say arjun is sarwasersta archery when he did not participate with another archerya he said with galre on arjun
Dronacharya=who are you to say that
Karna=panipat maharaj dhritharashtra i am karna and i will participate with rajkumar arjun
Bhim=putr it is for kuru rajkumars how can you participate
Karna=panipat mahamhim bhism i am also archery let see your rajkumar arjun can win
Dronacharya=okay but what cast are you and what you have that you will participate with arjun
Karna=i am student of parasuram and i think its enough and about cast i dont think that need for me it was about who will win
Than only karna father adhiratha say he is his son and sutha puthr
Bhism=sutha puthr no than you can not paricipate
Dryodhana=why can not he pithamaha because he is sutha puthr i dont think its proper
Bhism=duryodhana how can he he is sutha puthr and you all are kuru rajkumaras
Duryodhana=pithamaha we also dont have cast here every kuru rajkumars are born with differently how can you say cast is improtant i will say skill is important let him participate
Bhism=duryodhana end your nonsenes sutha puthr can not paricipate
Duryodhana=okay than i kuru rajkumar Duryodhana annocce karana has king of anga kingdome everyone gasp at this
Bhism=duryodhana how can you do that its maharaj dhirtharashtra have to say
Duryodhana=pithashree you son asking it for his mitra can not you agree
Dhirtharashtra=i maharaj dhritharashtra annocce that karna is king for anga kingdome
Duryodhana=danyavadh pithashree mitra your now king no one stop you know i am right pithamaha
Bhism stay slient and karna become emotional he relese duryodhana from freez and he shout his arrow to ground and water start to come and it wash duryodhanas feet now duryodhana hugs karna then they broke hug
Karna=danyavadh mitra i am always protect you and i always stay with you its my promise
Duryodhana=i know mitr now go show what capable of you to everyone than duryodhana made karna king of anga now the fight start between karna and arjun the girls is watching with somuch interest karna and arjun shouting arrows to eachother and no one is winning two are equal but than only arjun shout arrow at karna but before it hit karna golden kavacha created in karna upper body and it protected karna making arrows into pieces everyone gasp at this someone in shock seeing this seeing this mata kunti get unconsciousness and everyone worried now tanvi and liya hold mata kunti and take her from there now its already sunsets and the kalapardharsan is over
Bhism=kalapardharsan is over no one is winner everyone can leave now everyone leave from there now arjun and karna galring at eachothet while leaving now everyone leave from there

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