Hello there , old friend

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In a blink of an eye, the gang had arrived back at Berk. The first person they saw there was Stoick. 

The gang all landed and got off their dragons. 

"Glad you guys could make it in time."

"So dad, who is the mystery person that is coming to Berk?" Hiccup asked.

"Your about to find out." Stoick answered.

Just then a hooded stranger came into their prescence.

"Hello  there Hiccup, nice to see you again."

"Should I know you?"

Just then, the hooded stranger took off their hood.

He had brown scraggly hair that hangs roughly to his chin. 

While Hicuup was stunned, the others were still confused.

"Okay, Hiccup do you know this guy?" Astrid asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Frey, cousin of Hiccup."

Frey now leaning towards Asrtid continued, " And what is your name cutie?"

Astrid was stunned.  

Hiccup immediately put his hand around Astrid's neck and inturupted, " This is Astrid, MY girlfriend."

Hiccup and Frey glared at each other menacingly. To break to tension, Stoick said, " Hiccup aren't you going to introduce the other dragon riders to Frey?"

 Frey immediately leaned back. 

" This is Fishlegs, Heather, Snotlout, Tuffnut and ruffnut. Together, we are the dragon riders."

Hiccup continued.

"I guess you are a dragon rider too cutie." Frey said while winking an eye at her.

Hiccup's fist clenched, wanting to hit Frey in the face however, Astrid held him back.

"I would prefer you do not call me those type of nicknames. After all, I do have a boyfriend." Astrid said and kissed Hiccup on the cheek.

"Dad if there's nothing else, we will be heading back to dragon's edge."
"Hiccup, you will not be heading back to dragon's edge, but the rest of you dragon riders can. Astrid, I reccommend you stay for a bit I think you parents need a bit of help fixing their hut, the A member of the A team accidentally fell through their roof."

Upon hearing this, Astrid rushed to her parents home.

"So dad, why can't I head back to dragon's edge?"

"You not going to be heading back to the edge alone, but with Frey."

Hiccup was stunned beyond words. He had to take his cousin back to the edge, the cousin that was flirting with his girlfriend. 

Hiccup reluctantly agreed, he had no choice.  

Frey took his bags and threw them over to Hiccup, expecting him to hold his bags like he was some famous person. However, Hiccup had to do it, after all Frey was his family.

Just as Hiccup was putting Frey's bag on Toothless, Astrid arrived.

Frey kept on laying his eyes on her but Astrid didn't care, she only had eyes for her boyfriend.

"Hello there M'lady what bring you here? Aren't you suppose to be helping your parents fix their home?"
" Let's just say they didn't need my help and told me to head back to the edge."

Just then, Astrid saw a bag on Toothless. 

"Uh babe, who's bag is that?"

"Oh. Yeah so Frey is coming back to the edge with us, chief's order."

"What! Well I guess we have to follow Chief's order. But the real question  is , how is he going to get to the edge."

"I can ride with you cutie." Frey said with a wink at Astrid.

Astrid felt a shiver down her spine, filled with discomfort.

Hiccup took a glance at Astrid and knew what to do.

"Frey, didn't you say you wanted to ride the most intimidating dragon, well now you can! You can ride toothless. As your bag is already taking quite a lot of space, I will ride with Astrid, if she's comfortable about that."

Astrid immediately nodded her head. Hiccup walked towards Toothless.

"Hey bud, if you are my best friend, you will do me a favor. Please let my cousin ride you and give him a peaceful flight back to the edge." Hiccup wispered to Toothless.

 Upon saying this, Hiccup walked back to Astrid and Stormfly. 

Hiccup and Astrid got onto Stormfly with Hiccup in the front and Astrid at the back. And Frey got onto to toothless. 

"Frey, when you are in the air, hold on to the string in front of you tightly, that is the handle."

Upon saying this, Toothless and Stormfly took off.

<Meanwhile With The Rest Of The Gang>

" Who Knew Hiccup had a cousin!" Tuffnut said.

"I got it!" Fishlegs shouted.

"Fishlegs? What are you talking about?" Heather asked.

"Frey! I remember Hiccup once told me about his cousin. The two of them used to be best friends but apparently something happened which made them become enemies, sworn enemies. From then on, their relationship was like cats and dogs. They had nothing in common. They always liked the opposite the other person liked." Fishlegs continued.

"Well one thing's for sure, they have something in common." Snotlout said.

"And what's that?" Heather asked.

"The same love interest, Astrid! Isn't it obvious?" ruffnut answered.

The gang laughed in unison.


It had been a few minutes since the three of them took of from berk. Frey kept on holding onto the handle, concentrated on his life, more than Astrid. He could not hear anything around him, he was too busy holding onto his precious dear life.

On the other hand, Astrid was holding onto Hiccup while Hiccup was holding onto the handle.

"Thank you Hiccup." Astrid wispered to Hiccup.

"Anything for you M'lady." Hiccup wispered back to Astrid.

Astrid hugged Hiccup tighter and kissed him on the cheek.

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