9. Titanic Fate

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Taehyung again takes the morning bus to reach his university.

Should I ask Grandpa to send one of the cars from Daegu? It will be easy for me to reach university then...

He thinks as he gets on the bus smiling at the now familiar driver.

Nahh. Car rides are boring. Bus is good. I can listen to music sitting on the window seat.
Also who would like to exert themselves by driving all the way to the university...

He again thinks as he sits on his favorite window seat. Taehyung loves bus rides. They give him peace. And make him feel like he is living a normal life now.

Soon the bus stops at the bus stop near the university. He now unplugs his earphones and starts walking towards the university.

He is more nervous today than he was yesterday. Just a mere thought of having to face Jeongguk yet again makes his mind go dizzy.

He doesn't know how things will work out now...

Upon reaching the university he directly makes his way towards his locker and starts getting the things required for his first lecture that is literature.

He then remembers how he has to cover up, what he has missed this half semester, for the annuals. The thought makes him sulk and pout at his Titanic like fate.


Upon reaching the university, Jeongguk spots the Park twins near their locker. He thanks God that they are not bickering as usual as he was in no mood to listen to all of that right now.

He was frustrated.

Frustrated by his own behaviour that made him come to the university earlier than usual because maybe just maybe he wanted to see Taehyung once again.

Yesterday night his mind was a mess as he thought and thought about how he will deal with the whole situation now...

But then he decided to just go with the flow and rather think about getting an apartment as soon as possible.

"Jeongguk-ah! Woah when did you start coming so early?" Jihyo says as she keeps her hand on his shoulder.

"Um I woke up early today so... " Jeongguk replies.

"Ohhh... Ok then you take your belongings and till we wait for Yoongi and Hoseok hyung" Jimin says with a smile.

Jihyo reluctantly retracts her hand from Jeongguk shoulder and goes to stand near Jimin.

Jeongguk starts to take out his books from the locker and then he hears Jimin say, "Oh Taehyung also came. Jeongguk-ah I am going to him. You arrange your locker and then come there. Ok? Jihyo you too"

Jeongguk turns his head towards the direction Jimin starting walking to. He then spots a sulky and pouty Taehyung taking out some books.

He still looks the same when he sulks like this...

He chuckles shortly and then stops as he realizes what he was doing. He again turns his head towards the books.
"I find this Taehyung guy so different. It's like......he is hiding so many secrets behind that innocent face. And his eyes are like...like they are speaking something else. I don't know what Jimin found like a friend material in him. "
Jeongguk hears Jihyo mumble behind him.

"You know yes-"

"Jihyo, I think you should read less novels now." Jeongguk interrupts Jihyo. "And use this little head of yours to think over the new project we have got in economics." He pats her head with the book in his hand.

Jihyo just smiles at him and he smiles back. But they forgot to notice a pair of eyes watching them from afar.

After waiting for a while for Jeongguk and Jihyo, Jimin suggests Taehyung that they should go near their locker infact. That's when Taehyung notices the little moment between them.

Are... Are they close?

Really... What a great start of the day...

He scoffs yet again at his Titanic like fate.

The bell soon rings and both Taehyung and Jimin go to their literature class.


It was lunch time. Taehyung enters the canteen and tries to spot Jimin but finds no one. Instead he spots Jihyo sitting on the same table from yesterday. So he decides to go there...

But he failed to notice another figure sitting near Jihyo. And boy oh boy he soon regrets going near the table as his eyes meet the eyes of someone he was trying to avoid like plague since morning...

He just stands there contemplating what to do...

"You know you can sit here rather than just standing there like a statue. After all now you are that midget's bestie so we can't do anything". Jihyo says making Taehyung come back to earth.

He smiles in a apologising way and sits at the corner seat across both Jeongguk and Jihyo. All while avoiding Jeongguk's gaze.

"So where were we? Yeah you were telling me about your yesterday's game Jeongguk-ah". Jihyo says her expression suddenly changing to a smiley one, very different from what she had a second ago.

"Huh-" Jeongguk says as he comes back from whatever world he was in.

"Right so then Yoongi hyung passed the ball to Mingyu but it was caught by Mark of other team. But when he started running he tripped due to his shoelaces and the ball came straight in my hands. And yeah I scored like that." He completes with a chuckle.

Taehyung just sits there suddenly remembering how Jeongguk used to tell him about all his matches, just like this, as he laid his head on Tae's lap while Taehyung used to massage his hair.

He then looks up to see Jeongguk telling each and every detail with the same enthusiasm and that Bunny smile on his face, which Taehyung adored a lot.

But now he was not the one being told all of this.

Neither did Jeongguk smile at him the same way.

He gulps when he looks at the table as he suddenly feels lonely all over again. He closes his eyes as he feels the chatters around him getting louder and louder making him feel alone in this big room. He opens his eyes to see Jihyo telling something to Jeongguk and then chuckling.

He feels dizzy now.

But then Jeongguk looks his way. He suddenly casts his eyes down blankly staring at his lap as he hears,
"Sorry Taehyung-ah, you know annual fest is coming soon so that's why I get late everyday. Oh my god there are so many things we have to take care of. Haha"

Jimin says as he puts his hand on Tae's shoulder. Hoseok also stands behind Jimin and casts a smile at Taehyung.

So Tae just looks up and smiles at them.
"It's ok Jimin-ah. I also just came here. " Taehyung says. His voice quiet.

You have to be strong Taehyung.
You are strong. You cannot be like the Taehyung from years ago once again. You have to live. You have to live and enjoy your life like a normal person.
You didn't waste these years of your life staying away from your love, just to learn nothing...

"Come on let's get something to eat!" Jimin exclaims as he takes Taehyung soft hands and drags him towards the counter to get themselves some food.


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