Chapter 0:Current condition

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*I am still new to this hope for the help thank you*

On Earth

BoBoiBoy pov
I BoBoiBoy Hero galaxy and member of TAPOPS, well was  before what happened yesterday the day I chose to still on Earth and only protect the power sphera on TAPOPS-U, why you may ask? Because I want to spend more time with my grandpa and take care of him just like what I was supposed to do when I first came here in PULAU RINTIS and it is also the reason why I want to live here to begin with.

"Boboiboy come down here now breakfast is ready" Come from downstairs sound of old grandfather called me to tell me that it is time to eat before going to school

"Coming, Tok Abah!" I said, back to my favorite grandpa Tok Abah ,He had been taking care of me since I was little but, I only chose to live with him when I was 11 years 3 months old after last time I saw him with my friends from there

After I answer it I go down and see that my grandpa is already waiting with a yellow flying robot beside him who is a Power sphera  named Ochobot he is like my little brother to me

"Good morning Tok Abah and Ochobot" I said, to them and sat down to eat the breakfast "good morning too boboiboy " Said Ochobot to me in cheerful voice "There you are now eat fast your breakfast or else you will be late to school" Said Tok Abah in clam voice

"Ok Tok Abah"I Said when I was eating breakfast before going to school , meeting my friends and having a normal day like a teenager will have from far. 

Time skip

In school

"Good morning Gopal and Iwan " I said to the two of my friends who are also my classmates "Dey Boboiboy my best friend~ morning, Early you come this time" Said my India friend who is also my best friend even since I came here, Nod from Iwan my shy friend who is had very mutual voice which is the reason why he doesn't like taking to the other people

I sit down and put my bag on a chair "hey Gopal who do you is our new Math teacher is? " I'm asking them two "wait , We had a new math teacher? " Said Gopal unaware about this information


We heard a door open and come, Fang  my rival and alien friend who has chosen to live on earth from now on just because of the mission to guard TAPOPS-U and the Power sphera , well that's what he tough us.

"Good morning guys" Said him to us three with a calm smile face and a little tired voice too. Probably because of what we have been through

"Morning"" Good morning " And a nod  from the three of us answer him back and than putting him bag at him place and coming at as sit behind me

"So what did you guys talking about? " Asking him to us "Dey, Fang did you know that we will get a new math teacher?" Answer Gopal to him "Ehh,  yes why? Was everyone in class known already, after all it said in our class group chanting" Said him to my best friend "Gopal did you not open the group chat because of tiredness or because you play video games again?" I asked my love-eating-friend about it "ehh, maybe I forgot to open it because of what happened yesterday |||💧" He answer to us

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