Chapter 19

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Derrick POV

I was at Timesha house after she gave me some head. I told her we aint never gonna fuck again.

Ahe went into the bathroom and started a shower. I turnt the tv on and started channel surfing, when I heard my phone ring. I looked to see it wasnt my phone, but Timesha's.

I picked it up and answered hello.

"Good evening this is Patricia from the abortion center of Miami, I have a document that says you've got pain pills in the pharmacy-"

"Wait. Slow down." I mumble.

"Im sorry sir, I must have the wrong number."

She hangs up.

Timesha walks out the bathroom wrapped in a towel and smiling at me.


She gives me a confused look. "Why what?"

"WHY THE HELL YOU WENT AND GET AN ABORTION?!?!" I scream. "The heart was weak! The doctor said it was heart murma..."

"Heart murma can. Be. Cured. Wtf would you do some shit like that?!"

"Why do you think?! You dont look at me like you do Aniyah!"


"You're no longer my problem. You were a Baby mama. All you had to do was carry the child-!"

"So I can walk around looking like q whale? And you're not there to tell me Im not fat and im-"

"Listen. You. Bitch. Idgaf! You should've let me put the condom on and you should've been less of a hoe! It's a miracle that you remembered who you fucked last!"

"That's why yo bitch now is getting raped and prolly even-"

I grab her by the neck and slam her body against the wall. "Wtf did you say?"

"Yea I know who took her. And I told them where she'd be."

I pulled my gun out of my waist bqnd and pointed it at her. "Where the fuck is she?"

"Fuck you-"

I pistol whip her in the face and she cries out. "Where is she?!" I ask through gritted teeth. "In my ass- AHH"

I shot her in her thigh. She started breathing hard and I stuck my fingers in the wound. "Where is she?!" I bark.

"Th- my p-phone... look for thw number s-saved under I-ice!"

I drop her on the ground and she cries. I grab her phone and make my way to my car. I drive to Ty's house and when I knock on the door, he opens it and punches me in the jaw.

His girlfriend pulls him off of me and lets me inside and I explain what happened at Timesha's house and when I told them that she said Aniyah was getting raped, Ty got up and shot me in my shoulder.


"Taliyah, clean that for him and give us that number." he says. I slide Timesha's phone out my pocket and unlock it. "It's under Ice." I wheeze as Taliyah helps me to the kitchen.


Ringing. Ringing. Ringing.

"I see you found us."

I know that voice it was that ex Michelle. Wait, no that's a girl name.

"Aye. I want my little sister back." I say and get right to the point.

"Ya see, we gotta negotiate on that cause there are 2 people here that you gone want."

"Shit. What chu want?"

"For you to come here. Alone. At 11:30 Un armed. In anyway the cops are involved she's dead." he says and hangs up. He texts an adress to my phone and I sigh.

"Time for a plan!" the boy named Corey says. "We should go different routes at different times so they wont suspect anything." Red says.

"Yeah but someone should go scope out the area right now to see what we're dealing with." the dreaded one says.

We make a decent enough plan and wait for time to pass.

Aniyah POV

I was curled into a feeble position. I kept crying. I saw two of my friends- well used to be friends. Helping Micheal. The bathroom door opened slowly and my mom stiffly tried to walk out.

She collapsed and I rushed to her. "Im so sorry baby I wanted to help you but... I think the baby's gone now!" she weeps and I hug her.

The door opens and Jamal walks in with a woman folloing behind him with a brief case. "Guys this is Matilda. A doctor. She's gonna give Aniyah a DNA test.

She opens her brief case and pulls out needles and such. She reaches for me but I scream. "She doesn't like needles. She'll get over it." Jamal says and pries me ouf of ny mother's arms.

Jamal restrains me as Matilda jabs me with a needle and I watch as my blood flows through a tube. I instantly become light headed and pass out.

I wake up with my head in mommy's lap as she sat on the floor and Jamal sat in a chair. "See your up." he smirks.

Matilda walks in with sn envolope. "These are the results." she says.

"Read it like you're Maury." Jamal says. "Ok, in the case of 17 year old Aniyah... You are not the father." Matilda says.

I bury my face in my mom's lap more when Jamal stands up abruptly. He pulls out a pistol and shoots Matilda in her forehead. I clutch my mom's shirt.

He storms out of the room yelling every curse word. I thought he was gonna kill us...

After about six minutes of silence, gun shots and yelling rims through the building. The lights in iur room go out and the door gets kicked down.

I scream and hear a familiar soothing voice. "Niyah, it's me. Corey."

"C-corey?" I mumble.

"yeah. You and who ever else is in here follow my voice. My and my mom stand up and then footsteps ring through the halls.

They stop at the door and gunshots go off. The lights in the room turn back on and I see Timmy and Matt. "Cmon."

We walk for a while and the gunshots continue to ring out. I grab my mom's hand and squeeze it tight. "Were close to the back entrance." Corey says. "HEY!"

All I heard was banging sounds and I realized shots were fired.

Shots FiredWhere stories live. Discover now