Chapter 1

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Chapter I: A River is Born

            In a vast jungle, a man goes dashing through trees and plants. Black hooded men surrounded him but through his magical abilities he got through it.

"Procellae Tonitruales!", as he spoke these words, a ball of lightning and dark clouds goes directly at them.

           He reaches the shore, makes a boat out of ice, hops, on it and starts to set sail for an island. After sailing to the tranquil horizon for a few hours, at dawn, he reached a bright land. He then settled there. His seeds then began to spread throughout generation. As it spread, most of the people have slightly magical abilities and were observed through their constellation signs. Nobody knows what happened to the man but some say he's a myth, and the story is a legend. Some archeologists still try to figure out what time he possibly existed but there are no artifacts collected from him.

          Somewhere in Japan, in the small riverside town of Takeshima, on the first days of February, an Aquarius-born boy is born. His name is Ryujin Furukawa. Inside the Furukawa residence,

"He's beautiful"

"Huh? He's a boy, though it can be gender neutral since he's still a baby."

           Outside the house, joyful cheers and praises are being heard. Most of the guests are neighbors. Among them are teenage boys. As this teenage boys get inside the house, they look at the surroundings. Though most of the household are very distracted due to many guests, they can't see what these guys are doing.

          After the party, all guests began to depart and the relatives of the Furukawas start to clean. However, as the boy's mother began to check up things in the living room, she finds something mysterious. There was once a toy on top of the table and now, it's gone. She asks one of the relatives if they have seen the toy but it's nowhere to be found. As she ventures around the kitchen, she finds out that some cutlery, cups, and pans have gone missing. She goes to the garden and also sees that some beautiful plants have been plucked out carefully with their roots.

"What in the bloody hell is going on here?", she asks herself.

          Some days after the party, one of the teenagers from the neighborhood passes by while she is sweeping the gate. She notices that one of the toys are in custody of that teenager. She gets mad at them, though she won't scold them publicly.

          As the boy grew, some of the teenagers want to play with him. However, his parents wouldn't allow them.

"C'mon man, we just want to play with him"

"NO! We don't allow that"

          Ryujin cries as they fight. As one of them tries to grab Ryujin's arm, the teenager's arm gets scorched immediately as it lands on his arm.

"Oww, damn!", he exclaims.

The teenagers then run away after this incident.

"Are you ok?", both parents ask him.

            He nods and an bolt runs through both arms. He points it at the old electric fan which haven't worked for a long time. As he points, he shoots the electric field and powers the old fan. His parents are very surprised and amazed with this. They took him to an expert and the expert say that since he was born in the middle of the Aquarius, his power probably overflow in him since there is no formal training.

           One night, the parents begin to notice that Kawaki is a crybaby and can only stop if there is smooth music playing. Although he looks tough and with great power, he is very sensitive through his childhood.

           One day, on a hill, he gets bullied by one of his classmates. A friend of his stands up to the bully. He gets punched, and knocked out while Kawaki looks helpless to do something to his friend. The bully get nears him and is about the beat him to a pulp. As he snaps his fingers, out of nowhere, a lightning bolt strikes the bully. Kawaki's friend got up and asks him on what happened here. Kawaki doesn't know what happened but just told him of a lightning bolt. By the last grade of elementary, he then realized that one needs to stand up to the situation whatever it is, just fight through it. After his graduation, there he then chooses a high school. He once took the examination for Kaigan High School but he doesn't get in. Luckily, a door opened for him.

            One of his relatives suggests a prominent university which most of their relatives are in there.

"What is the name of the school?" (Mrs. Furukawa)

"University of the Constellations, don't tell the exact location of it, it's a highly private school that no one should know about its coordinates" (The Relative)

           His mom makes him take the exam. However, a student needs to be enrolled for that university before taking the exam. He enrolled digitally since the university doesn't permit entering the campus from outsiders.

            In vast forest, there lies the University of the Constellations, a hidden school for zodiacs to master their abilities. 

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