Chapter 5

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Chapter V: Keep It Together

             The second day at school dawned, and with it came the anticipation of training day. The Zodiacs Class, adorned in identical body suits, gathered for the challenges that awaited them. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of excitement and nervous energy as the rules of training were unveiled.

            The warm-up session commenced with a series of obstacles designed to test their agility, strength, and adaptability. The students navigated through the course, some with ease, others facing the hurdles with determination. Ryujin, fueled by the thrill of the challenge, found himself among the 12 students who reveled in the experience while others succumbed to exhaustion.

            The next phase of training plunged them into combat, a practice match pitting students with the same zodiac signs against each other. From Capricorn to Aquarius, the battles unfolded, each showcasing the unique abilities of the participants. Ryujin, though initially nervous, discovered the exhilaration in honing his skills through practical application.

              As the first fight ignited between two Capricorns, Kuebiko Hayashi and his adversary, the air resonated with punches that metamorphosed into a goat's powerful kicks. The intensity of the battle escalated, horns growing and clashing.

"You're not holding back, are you?" (Kuebiko)

"No chance! It's practice, but I'm giving it my all!" (Capricorn 2)

             Despite the ferocity, Hajime's reminder echoed through the arena—this was practice combat. Kuebiko's plant vine manipulation ultimately secured his victory, a testament to his prowess.

             The following battle showcased Haruto Ogata, a Sagittarius, against his zodiac counterpart. Armed with a stylus and special paper, Haruto's strategic mind unfolded.

"Let's see if you can dodge this!" (Haruto)

"Think again!" (Sagittarius 2)

               A stylus-drawn arrow danced in the air, following the lines etched on the paper. The opponent, with Accureyes enhancing his eyesight, dodged with precision. However, Haruto's cunning prevailed, and an arrow found its mark, pinning the opponent to the wall.

"Looks like my artistic touch worked!" (Haruto)

"Impressive, but I'll get you next time!" (Sagittarius 2)

The victory belonged to Haruto.

                 Hageshi Hamasaki, a Scorpio, faced his opponent with sand manipulation prowess. Defending himself with a sand wall, Hageshi swiftly turned the tables, launching his adversary into the air using a trampoline of sand.

"Is that all you got?" (Scorpio 1)

"Watch closely!" (Hageshi)

                 Hageshi was declared the winner.

                 Next, Rikiyo Furumi, a Libra, demonstrated her anti-mass movement against her Libra counterpart.

"I can't control it!" (Libra 1)

"Precision matters, my friend." (Rikiyo)

                   As Li1 started to kick her, she was floating through the air. With Rikiyo's hand movement, she made her sick by the anti-mass movement, and she was then declared the winner.

                  Kitsune Kubo, a Virgo, showcased martial arts expertise against her Virgo counterpart, triumphing by creating a deceptive hole in the ground.

"Where did she go?" (Virgo 2)

"Down here!" (Kitsune)

                  Kitsune knocked her out and was declared the winner.

                  Inoshiro Kasai, a Leo, unleashed a scorching heatwave against his opponent, propelling him to victory.

"Too hot to handle!" (Leo 2)

"You can't beat the heat!" (Inoshiro)

Inoshiro was the victor.

                 As lunchtime arrived, Ryujin, Hageshi, Haruto, and Inoshiro gathered at the cafeteria, sharing a table. The camaraderie among them blossomed as they discussed their tactics and experiences.

"That heatwave move, Inoshiro, that was incredible!" (Ryujin)

"Well, Leo's gotta bring the heat, right?" (Inoshiro)

                After expressing their gratitude for the meal, Inoshiro, curious about the strategies of his companions, turned the conversation towards their combat tactics.

"I rely on precision and surprise. Keeps them on their toes." (Haruto)

"My sand manipulation is versatile—it can be a shield or a weapon." (Hageshi)

"Impressive! Ryujin, what about you? What's your plan if you were to go into combat?" (Inoshiro)

                  Ryujin, deep in thought, looked up.

"It depends on my opponent's power. It's challenging to formulate a plan when you don't know their abilities. Adaptability is key." (Ryujin)

                  The group continued their conversation, their bonds strengthening as they navigated the intricacies of their shared journey at the Zodiacs Class.

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