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It's almost over.

Just a few more minutes.

I hope I'll be okay, I think I'll be okay, that's what Gwen said right?

It's what Miguel said, and he's trustworthy right?

And maybe if I'm lucky, when I go back,

I won't be Spiderman anymore.
Let's do this one last time. My name is Giovanni Morales, I'm eighteen years old, I live in Brooklyn New York with my mamí, my dad and my twin brother Miles. Two years ago, in a funny turn of events, my brother and I were both bitten by a radioactive spider, and since then, we have been the only protectors of our community, well, in our New York at least. Turns out, that whole dimension theory that scientists go ape shit for, is completely real, there are so many of us, Spider...people? All of us are going through similar shit, swing around the city, stop a few bad guys, lose a few people, the works!

Miles and I get to be apart of the Spider-Society, not entirely sure what we do but right now, were tasked with taking out anomalies, you know like, things that slip into other dimensions that shouldn't be? It's still confusing for me to understand, I know Miles gets it though, were kind of a brains and brawns operation with him as brains and me as the brawns. We make a good team when we aren't arguing.

Now listen, since joining this 'elite society' of spiderpeople or whatever, we had met several people and I do mean several. Gwen Stacy, Miles' best friend, Pavitr Prabhakar, one of the most chill people ever. Miguel O'Hara who to be honest I can't get a read on, he's a little cold, well maybe a lot a bit cold to sort of kind of everyone who comes in contact with him. And then there's Hobart Brown.

Hobie is, to put it the most easy way I can, a chaotic wild card with a thirst for uproar. He's an anarchist, anti-capitalist, a proud member of antifa and does what he wants when he wants, including disappear. I knew him for a shorter period of time compared to Gwen, she was the first, but had easily grown more attached to him than anyone else. He was enticing and mysterious, and I wanted to know absolutely everything about him from the moment I met him. Miles always told me I was being stupid, the way I looked at him, and how I talked about him and how I'd think about him when I was out on my own, swinging from building to building, void from the angry sounds of New York.

This was one of those times, I had gone out without Miles to clear my head, Hobie had been gone for a month now and for some reason I still hoped that he'd lurk up behind me and scare me off a building again. I was perched at the top of some building, I wasn't sure what or where but I was almost positive I wasn't in the Brooklyn borough anymore, I think judging by the distance and the direction, I was on the outskirts of Queens, far enough away to where it'd take poor directionally challenged Miles ages to find. I pulled out my phone and texted Miguel, a text that he had recieved daily for the last month

Gio: any word?

Miguel: No, Giovanni. I told you I'd let you know.

He had that ready I bet, waiting for me to text that day, I bet you he'd had it written out since at least noon if not earlier. I sighed and turned on some playlist that I had from Hobie and put the phone back in my suit pocket, swinging my legs off the side of the building and watching as the rest of the sun fell over the horizon and the night took over, moon high in the sky. I thought carefully about doing something incredibly stupid. Not just a little bit stupid, but very very incredibly stupid. I hadn't tried portaling to Earth-138. I'd thought about it several times but backed out at the last second every time, nerves and anxiety would build up and decide that it was a horrid idea, but this time felt different. I pulled my phone back out, texting Miguel again.

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