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Giovanni did in fact get dragged along to Visions Academy to study for Miles' actually real math exam that he had coming up, even though he would ace the test with flying colors. He was annoyed to be on the floor in Miles' dorm with Ganke who was admittedly pretty cool and Gio very much enjoyed his presence. They had been studying for about an hour when Giovanni recieved a very intriguing text message.

Pav: GIOOOOOO!!!!!!:D

Gio: hi pav, what's up???


Gio: i'm busy, can't :((


Gio: maybe

Gio showed Miles his phone and his face lit up with excitement.

"Let's go, please!" Miles begged to a Gio who was unsure about lying again before deciding that the resident advisor had already seen all of them for the night and that leaving wasn't so bad of an idea.

"Do you even have your suit?" Gio questioned, raising a tired eyebrow. Miles pulled his jacket apart revealing the black and red suit with a smile. Gio let Miles design his, it was similar to Gwen's meaning he had a hood on but the rest of it was Miles' ideas. It was mostly black with Miles' signature spider in the center except Gio's spider was pink blue and white, same with the small details on his suit, the stripe going down the arm was the trans flag and the inside of the hood was white. Gio loved it the second Miles presented it to him and was shocked to find that it fit him perfectly, and that his brother had gotten an entire binder sewn on the inside. He still wouldn't share how he'd gotten it but Gio didn't care. He pulled the mask over his face and opened a portal to Pav's dimension, stepping into the somehow louder than New York, Mumbattan. The Moraleses loved this place, it was so bright and shiny, something about it was so much more technicolor than their home and you almost had to have sunglasses on in order to be there. They had portaled in right in front of Pav's home and Miles rang the door bell. The door swung open and there was a masked Gwen who pulled them inside where they removed their masks. The three were smiling brightly and Gwen simultaneously hugged both of them.

"So glad you guys came!" She exclaimed as they removed their shoes and went further into Pavitr's house. Miles and Gwen walked in sync next to each other and Gio tagged behind looking at all of the pictures Pavitr had covered the walls with, a lot of him when he was younger with his immediate family, a few of Gayatri and him on little dates and a couple of his Aunt Maya and Uncle Bhim. He lived mostly on his own now, he had a roomate but they were never there, they worked in some sort of science but Pav would never say what or where. Gio heard commotion in the kitchen while he was looking and was scared out of his picture trance to two hands on his shoulders. He jumped nearly a foot in the air and turned around to see a smug Hobie laughing at him. Gio willed himself to gently punch his friend in the arm.

"You dick, you knew what you were doing!" Gio swore as he tried to tackle him. Hobie was unmoving and laughed.

"You don't want to play that game, love. I win everytime." Hobie said sarcastically, Gio raised an eyebrow, puffing out his chest to make himself look bigger, although he knew that he would not be kicking Hobie's ass even if he tried.

"Wanna bet, asshole, I have super strength so were evenly matched."

"Gio." Hobie's voice got low and he turned around to make sure no one could see before he put a hand against the wall behind Gio, locking him into place. He leaned in real close and Gio felt his hair stand on end. "Watch yourself love, don't forget who you're testing." Then he placed a kiss on Gio's lips and gently bit his bottom lip. A chill went down Gio's spine and face went red and flustered, he sputtered out an okay before brushing himself off and going to the kitchen behind Hobie to join their friends.

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