Chapter 1: Charlotte Anderson

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Do you believe that there is more to life than a lovely dress, a fancy event, or a million social media followers?

I occasionally grew weary of receiving so much attention from my school and social media. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everyone who is kind to me and supports me in whatever I do, but there are times when I yearn for a world where no one knows who I am. Where I am free to be whoever I want to be without fear of judgment.

Oops! I haven't told you my name yet. My name is Charlotte Anderson. I'm sixteen years old, five feet four inches tall, with a brown eyes and fair skin and I have a long, straight hair and I have a gorgeous smile. Yep, that's me, for sure. One and only daughter of Sarah and Luis Anderson. My parents and best friend call me Charlie.

On the way to school, I am thinking about whether or not living in a province is quieter than living in a city. Even though it's only 6:15 in the morning, you can already tell that everyone is quite busy. There is a huge wait at the coffee shop, and people are walking along the street while using their phones.

Since tomorrow is a Saturday, I think it would be great if I asked Mom if we could visit her childhood home and spend the rest of the weekend relaxing there.

Uggh, ocean and sand. I am so excited.


Ava was the first person I noticed when I arrived at the school. One of the wealthiest girls in town is Ava. She doesn't simply care about fashion and makeup. She is incredibly intelligent, kind and generous.

"Hi, Ava. Good morning"

"Good morning Charlie." and she embraced me with joy and ask. "Do you know the news?"

"Don't you think it's too early for chismis, Ava?" I jokingly asked.

Ava responded with a glint in her eyes, "This can't wait. We just got a new transfer, and sis. He is so handsome, and he has a nice smile."

I laughed and said to Ava, "You need to wipe the drools in your lips." Then, we both proceeded toward our classroom. I was curious about the new transfer as we were moving.

The new transfer raised his head high as we entered the classroom, and as we met eyes, he smiled at me. Damn, what a lovely smile. I, however, won't be fooled by it. I walked over to my chair and sat down to read my book while I waited for our history teacher.

Ooh! I love history. I find it remarkable to discover how societies and civilizations change over time. Although some people claim that history is boring, I disagree. Understanding the trials and lives of people through history develops empathy. It enables us to understand and recognize other people's cultures, ideas, and traditions.


I'm watching Gilmore Girls at 5:45 in the afternoon as I wait for my mother to get home from work so I can discuss my plans for the weekend.

My mother showed up ten minutes later.

"Hey Charlie, how's school?"

"Great, mom," I replied while smiling.

"Uhm, mom, can we go on vacation this weekend?".

"Why, and where do you intend to go?

"I want to go swimming, and I'm thinking about taking a quick two-day break from the city. How about we go to your home province?"

"Okay, I'll speak with your father after dinner."

"Thanks, mom. Love you".

"Love you too."


While I was getting my history book, Dad from downstairs yelled, "Hey, Charlie. Let's go. We should be on the road by six." Yes, I still want to read when on vacation. Weird? Nah! We just have different hobbies.

"I'll be down in a minute, dad." I replied.

A 30-minute van ride after a 2-hour flight. At last, we arrived in the province where my mother was born. The Razorock Island. We decided to go and tour the island after getting situated in our rental home. As we were exploring, I became enthralled in a garden that had a door with something shining on it. What kind of light is that? Why is there a door in the center of a garden?

You can hardly notice a question that is engraved in a door.

Do you wish to make changes in your life? Just hold the door while saying your name three times and the day of your birth and pass through it.

Charlotte says her name three times and the day she was born and entered the door, the same way a girl did it a century ago.


After Charlotte entered the door, her mom looks for her as they are about to go back to their vacation house.

"Charlie, charlie."
"Where are you?"
"We should go back to the van, your father is already waiting for us."
"Charlie, oh my gosh! What are you wearing?".

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