Lost And Found

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Note: Be prepared for some illogical and ridiculous content



Anna got away from the work at hand for a moment and held the side of her desk to slightly duck her head under the table. She scanned the area around her feet. Amy was not there.

"Amy~ Where are you..." She got up from her chair, and did a soft "meow". She giggled in her mind of the silliness. Yet, she felt a little worried from the prolonged silence of no response. She sighed, and walked to the door, looking both directions in hope of spotting the furry grey cat. Having no progression, she walked around the press office and peeked under everyone's desks. Some shifted their legs while some moved a little away from her when she passed by, for Anna was quite ignorant when it comes to searching.

After a long march around the office, Anna sighed deeply and worriedly.

"Where are you...? C'mon Amy..." She put her hands on her hips, her index finger tapping anxiously, "I even went into Sven's office!"

Biting her lips, Anna went straight to Hilda, who sat nearest to the door, and fretted, "Have you seen Amy at all? I- I couldn't find her anywhere!"

"I'm sorry Anna, I'm afraid I didn't. I was busy with paperwork."

Anna gulped with disappointment. She had been panicking the whole time, and knowing that the closest friend she had hadn't seen the cat, disturbing thoughts started intruding her mind. "Did she just walk away on her own? She's so nimble and-" She paused her thoughts for a moment. "Wait, that's... that's impossible. She could not have pushed the door... Plus, Sven demanded us not to keep the door open..." She stopped again. Then she started agonising," Oh no... she must have been kidnapped... my God, why does this have to happen to her...?"

"Hilda! Did anyone come in recently? Did you recognise them? Or were they just one of us, or did Amy just..."

"Well, Anna, I saw- I- I mean, I can't be sure, but I did sense the door opening um, let me think... uh, about three times after I arrived. I think they were just our colleagues though, you know, I'm not a latecomer."


"Y-yes Anna...?

"What did you see...?"

"I uh, I told you I sensed the door opening and closing thrice, Anna."

"You said you 'saw'."

"Oh uh... Anna what... what do you mean?"

"Hilda..." Anna sighed in annoyance, "You're hiding something."

"What? You think I kidnapped your cat?"

"No...? Just tell me! Stop reading the magazines to see which brand of cigar Sven likes most and please help you friend out...! Sven isn't going to kill you for the wrong brand!"

"Fine... sorry Anna, um... a nice-looking man came in about twenty minutes ago and asked for the loo. I let him in and went straight back to work!"

Fluff Oneshot - Anna/Luigi ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora