7: New Faces

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All of us rushed towards the kitchen. Upon entering, all the staff immediately stopped all their work and bowed.

"Stand in line, all of you." Prince Jake commanded.

Everyone immediately obliged. Most looked extremely confused, some looked nervous. But one particular boy caught my eye. He seemed to be a cleaner. He seemed to be especially scared, wide eyes darting in every direction anxiously. My own eyes narrowed as I observed him.


I only had to whisper for my cat familiar to appear on my shoulder. There were a few startled gasps around the room. Even Prince Jake flinched slightly. Niki and Jungwon were used to it though, having seen it many times before.

I put the bottle with some drops of K's blood up to her nose. " You know what to do."

Licorice sniffed it and floated over to where all the staff were lined up. They all eyed her cautiously. She slowly passed each one before finally stopping in front of the cleaner I'd noticed earlier. Her eyes glowed a brighter green as she stared right into his soul. The cleaner was visibly trembling at this point.

"Are you certain?"

Licorice meowed angrily as if I'd greatly offended her by doubting her abilities. "Ok ok I'm sorry. You did good. " I stroked her head.

"You're the one who poisoned K's food." I stated turning back to the little cleaner boy.

The rest of the staff looked at the boy in shock. The cleaner shook his head violenty, " N-no I didn't! I-I would never! I swear you've got the wrong person-"

"Jungwon, you got it right?" I ignored the stuttering boy.

Jungwon appeared to my right seemingly out of nowhere with a small vile of dark green liquid in his hand. Wolfsbane.

"Right here," he smirked proudly.

The cleaners jaw dropped open and his hands immediately flew to his pockets. "H-how did you..." He spluttered.

"Prince Jake, here's your spy. Do what you will with him."

"Thank you Sunoo, and Jungwon." He said. "Oh and Licorice too,"he addressed the black cat , who blinked slowly at him and disappeared back to the Spirit Realm with a job well done.

"As for you..." Jake turned to the spy fury evident in his eyes. " You will pay the price for what you did to K!"

"Guards!" He called. "Lock him up in the dungeon immediately!"

The guards immediately moved to arrest him. The boy tried to fight but soon realized it was useless. He gave up and let himself be dragged towards the dungeon.

"Don't let the North find out we've captured the spy," Jake now addressed the chief of palace guard as we all made our way outside.

" Force him to keep sending letters, giving false updates. Don't ever let them find out about this quest! Lock all the borders. Don't let anyone out. And fill in the King and Queen about what happened. " After he was done giving out orders, he dismissed the guard.

I was a little amazed seeing Prince Jake like this. Even though it was a well know fact that he was eventually going to be King seeing his leadership skills in action was awe-inspiring nonetheless. He truly commanded respect when it was needed.

We were all outside in the courtyard by now.

"So..." Niki broke the silence. "Now that that's dealt with, who's going to be our warrior?"

"Your Highness!" A voice spoke up from just a few feet away. It was Jay. Hand up in a salute.

"If you would have me it would be my greatest honor to join you in this quest! I would like nothing more than to dedicate my body and soul for the good of this kingdom!"

Does this guy only speak in exclamations? I thought, slightly annoyed at the loud voice.

"Were you listening in on us?" Jungwon raised an eyebrow.

"No sir! I only just arrived!"

Jungwon giggled a little at hearing someone call him sir.

Prince Jake put a hand over his chin as if contemplating Jay's suggestion.

"Jake," Niki interrupted his thoughts. "I think we should let him. I believe he's more than capable."

I wondered if he was saying this just because he felt guilty for snapping at him earlier or if he genuinely believed Jay could do it.

It was probably the latter. Niki may be a bit childish at times but his instincts were always on point. And he was a great judge of character. ( that's how he became friends with me of course) If Niki believed in Jay then so did I.

However it was not my place to comment since I didn't actually know the guy. It was the Princes' decision to make.

Jake was silent for a few tense minutes. Jay had closed his eyes anticipating an answer. Still saluting.

"Alright. You can join us."

Jay's smile practically reached the sky.

He bowed repeatedly with a bunch of thank you's. It was all he could to to not start jumping in joy.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Good for you man!" Jungwon bumped his shoulder. " I'm Jungwon by the way, and this is Sunoo." Jay shook our hands enthusiastically. "I'm Jay!" He said happily.

"Welcome to the team!" Niki said happy with his accomplishment.

But our little celebration was suddenly interrupted by a loud commotion somewhere in the distance.

We soon figured out it was coming from the main gate. The princes looked at each other in worry.

"Hey it's probably just a drunk homeless guy trying to cause a scene," Jungwon tried to reassure but didn't look very convinced.

" Let's just check it out. " I suggested. They all nodded and we headed towards the noise.

When we reached the gate we saw a few palace guards trying to hold back a man who looked like the was trying to force entry.

Next to me Jungwon stopped in his tracks as he saw the man's face. His mouth agape and eyes wide. I frowned seeing his reaction and took another look at the commotion. Did Jungwon recognize him?

Then I saw his face clearly and realized.


That was when he noticed us all heading towards the gate. His eyes first fixed on Jungwon and then moved to the two princes, almost in a pleading way.

"Please, you can't take Jungwon! I won't let you!"

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