11: Attack

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"Vampires." Sunghoon breathed.

All seven of them immediately formed a ring, with their backs to each other. The two Vampires were now slowly circling them, their muscles tensed. As if getting ready to pounce on their prey.

"How did you two enter this kingdom?!" Jake demanded.

"Oh don't worry we're not trespassing your little kingdom Prince Jake. We've been here this whole time!" The vampire named Ryujin laughed.

A chill went down everyone's spine hearing those words. There were Vampires already in this kingdom...? If so how many more?!

"What do you want with us?" It was Sunoo who spoke this time.

"Oh to kill you obviously." The second Vampires rolled her eyes.

"Now now Yeji, don't go ruining our surprise!"

"Whatever. Can we just stop chit chatting already? "

That was when they pounced. The boys were expecting it but there was still no stopping what happened next.

The two Vampires jumped straight towards Jungwon and Heeseung. The only ones who couldn't defend themselves.

Ryujin slashed her claws directly at Jungwon's chest. He stumbled backward in shock. He touched his chest only for his hand to come back sticky and covered in blood.

"No!" Niki yelled and stood in front of Jungwon to defend him. Sword drawn.

The pain has started to hit Jungwon now. The stinging in his chest was getting more and more intense every passing second and his vision had become blurry. He couldn't even make out who was standing in front of him. No no please don't pass out now he thought as he dropped to one knee.

Meanwhile Yeji had aimed straight for Heeseung's neck. She pounced on him, resulting in both of them tumbling to the ground. Yeji sunk her teeth into his neck, causing him to cry out in pain. He tried to push her off but she was a lot stronger.

There was a sudden yell from behind them.


It was Sunoo. He had cast a rune.

All off a sudden Yeji was yanked off of Heeseung. Thick vines were wrapping around here body, tighter and tighter, immobilizing her. For the time being at least.

"Heeseung! Are you ok?"Sunoo quickly rushed over to him to check on him and get him out of further harms way, since there was no time to heal him now.

A few feet away, Niki made the first move. Slashing his sword straight towards Ryujin's face.

She dodged easily and aimed a punch straight towards his solar plexus. The sheer force of her punch caused Niki to fly backwards.

He felt his back hit a tree making a horrible cracking sound, which were hopefully not his bones. All the air got knocked straight out of his chest as he slid to the ground.

His ribs were in excruciating pain now and he was struggling to get his breath back. But Ryujin was obviously not going to wait for him to recover. She lunged back at her prey.

Just before her claws could touch Niki, she was body slammed by someone from the right, which send her tumbling down to the ground, and away from Niki.

It was Jay who now had his sword pointed towards Ryujin.

"Well that was not very nice of you." she growled at him.

But Jay had already started moving, slamming his sword down straight towards her chest.  She didn't have enough time to dodge, so she simply caught the blade with her bare hands.

Blood trickled down her arms but she did not loosen her grip, tightening it instead. Jay tried to tug his sword out of her grip, instead Ryujin used all her strength and flung him over her shoulders by the blade of his sword. Jay grunted as his back hit the ground hard.

She was about to get back up on her feet when she was slammed back down as someone's sword stabbed straight into her back.

It was Sunghoon. He had picked up Niki's sword which lay uselessly on the ground next to the injured boy.

Ryujin growled as she felt the metal penetrate her back. Sunghoon quickly backed up, not lowering his sword. Jay had also managed to scrambled to his feet and they now stood shoulder to shoulder in a fighting stance.

But instead of attacking she stared crawling over to Yeji who was still struggling alone with the vines tying her down.

"No-!" Sunghoon was about to lunge forward to stop her when another voice yelled over him.

"Everybody get back!" Jake yelled. He had been waiting for this exact moment. He thrust his hands out and concentrated. A warm and tingling sensation started to grow in the center of his palms.

Jay realized what Jake was about to do and pulled Sunghoon back just in time.

Sunghoon looked over at Jake. And then-


It burst out from the palms of Jake's hands. A ring of fire more than 5 feet high now surrounded the two Vampires, who scremed as the flames got two close to their bodies.

Yeji was almost free now thanks to Ryujin, but it was useless now as they were unable to move past the ring of fire that was almost engulfing them.

"This won't hold them for long." Jake said. " We need to move. NOW"

Heeseung was able to get back up on his own as he wasn't too injured. Jake and Sunghoon helped Niki up while Jay picked up Jungwon in his arms as he had passed out during the fight.

And together they ran.

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