In the realm of shadows

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  Last night, as i lay down to sleep, i held onto the hope of seeing my mother in my dreams. i longed for even a small glimpse of her appearance or the comforting touch of her hands. However, my dream took an unexpected turn, straddling the line between darkness and light, coldness and warmth. i found myself unable to distinguish  whether it was a mere dream or a haunting nightmare. although it was peculiar and somewhat unsettling , an inexplicable homesickness for an unfamiliar person and a place i had never encountered in reality engulfed me . prior to this, i had never experienced nightmares or such peculiar dreams , making it an entirely new phenomenon  for me. i chose not to dwell on it and allowed the enigmatic experience  to pass, deliberately ignoring its significance.

 night after night, I found myself trapped in a clutches of a relentless nightmare, a twisted realm that refused to release its grip on my subconscious. The world around me morphed into a shadowy realm where fear reigned supreme visions of monstrous creatures lurking in the darkness haunting whispers that echoed through the corridors of my mind, and the suffocating sensation of being trapped _ these were the harbingers my nocturnal torment .

.....I woke up breathless once again, trapped in the same haunting dream. Each time it revisits me, its vividness intensifies, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. For a week now, I've been plagued by visions of a pitch-black abyss and a mysterious figure dressed in black. Although his face remains hidden from me, I catch glimpses of his piercing blue eyes. There's an uncanny familiarity about him, as if we share a deep-rooted connection that transcends time. It's as if his presence resonates within my very bones.

Feeling parched, I reached out to the nightstand for a glass of water, only to find an empty bottle. I left my room and headed towards the kitchen, where I discovered my aunt lost in her thoughts.

"Auntie?" I called out repeatedly, but she seemed completely entranced, lost in her own world. Approaching her, I called her name once more, causing her to startle in surprise, confirming my suspicion that she was indeed zoned out.

"Why are you here it's almost 3 a.m.?" I inquired.

"Is it? Oh, I must have lost track of time," she replied, her mind seemingly elsewhere. "You sure did." I sensed something was amiss, for I had never seen her like this before. Nevertheless, I decided to play along, refraining from probing further and instead following her lead.

"What brings you up at this hour?" she asked me.

"I came for some water. I woke up feeling thirsty," I responded, walking away to pour myself a glass. Just as I was about to return to my room, her voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Did you have that same dream again?" Her question caught me off guard. "No, not really," I lied. She was already burdened, and I didn't want to add to her worries.

"Selene!" Her use of my middle name instantly made me realize she saw through my deception. "Yeah?"

"What did you see?" I took a deep breath before answering, "This time, I saw his blue eyes. I was running through a dark forest, surrounded by towering trees. I felt sheer terror, as if my life depended on escaping."

"Was the man with the blue eyes the one you were running from?" she inquired.

"I don't know for certain, but I don't think so. There was a strange familiarity when I laid eyes on him," I confessed. Recounting the events of the dream left me in a sombre mood, but I chose to hide my true emotions behind a smile, reassuring her that it was merely a dream—a mere nightmare.

"Yeah, get back to sleep. I'll do the same," she said, getting up and making her way upstairs to her room. I watched her receding figure, pondering what might have been troubling her lately.

The beauty of the fall season lies in its serene mornings, especially the early hours when the world still slumbers. All that fills the air are the melodious songs of birds, the gentle rustle of leaves as the wind caresses the trees, and the pleasant warmth of the sun's rays. The vibrant colours that envelop everything create a cosy and tranquil atmosphere.

Closing the window, I began preparing myself for work. In the aftermath of the war, our kingdom has lost numerous young men, leaving behind a scarcity of able-bodied individuals who are now forced to join the army, as the conflict rages on. The reckless decisions of the rulers come at a great cost to their subjects. Men sacrifice their lives to safeguard the kingdom, while women take on various occupations to support their families. With the harvest season underway, women from all walks of life, including myself and my friends.

I awoke to a world where the privileges of education had become distant memories. Once, women and girls were welcomed into schools where we learned to read, write, and count. We even indulged in the arts, playing the piano and practising knighthood. But now, those schools stand empty, abandoned due to lack of time and resources. Nevertheless, my friends and I refuse to let our thirst for knowledge wither. We continue to educate ourselves and teach the younger ones during whatever precious moments we have between work.

After getting dressed, I stepped outside, taking a leisurely stroll until Diana appeared on the scene. "Good morning, sunshine," she exclaimed with an infectious excitement that piqued my curiosity. "Good morning. What's got you so thrilled?" I inquired, perplexed by her unusually animated demeanour.

"Don't tell me you forgot," she replied with a hint of disbelief.

"Forgot what?" My face betrayed my confusion, and she immediately sensed it.

"The festival day is this Tuesday, Nyx. How could you not know?" she exclaimed, matching my lackadaisical tone.

"Oh, that thing," I muttered, failing to muster the same enthusiasm.

"Yeah, that thing!" she echoed, brimming with energy. "Diana, I'm not going," I stated firmly, trying to opt out.

"I'm not asking you, Nyx Selene, for God's sake. You're going," she insisted, leaving no room for negotiation.

I halted in my tracks, looking directly at her. "I should save some money, you know. It seems we're running low, and my aunt has been struggling with house rent. She hasn't mentioned it, but she's been absent from work for the past fortnight. I don't want to burden her any further."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Diana chided, placing blame on my silence.

"I wasn't certain until today. It dawned on me that she was up at 3 a.m., sitting alone in the kitchen, weighed down by her worries. Besides, attending the festival would put a strain on my finances," I confessed, a heavy sigh escaping my lips as I contemplated the burden my aunt bore in solitude.

"Come on, let's go to work now. We'll figure something out later," Diana proposed, abruptly changing the subject. With that, she took off, leaving me behind.

"The one who arrives first gets the apple cake!" she called out, her playful challenge laced with laughter.

"That's not fair! You started first; that's cheating!" I protested, adding a touch of melodrama to my response.

"Quit complaining and move your ass!" she retorted, her laughter mocking me.

And just like that, we raced towards the tantalizing prize of an apple cake. Diana always brought joy wherever she went, injecting a vibrant energy into every moment.

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