A/N and a new chapter

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Hey guys it's erica and I'm back sorry I have been gone so long I have been busy but I wanted to keep writing this book so so yea made a new youtube page so go on their and you can see what I am up too also my instagram is lil_smalls575 so follow me and dm me on their or you can send me ideas and my mailbox so without further a do the moment you have all been waiting for is now yay ok so back to where we left off

E:Omg guess what mom you were right right the car I always wanted randy got me a black 2014 infinity!!!!!!!!!

N: that's great honey how is the baby tho

E:she is good but keeping me up all night so yea and Randy's dose not help at all and I'm tired of him doing what he wants and me always at home taking care of the baby like I'm not the only parent

N:well honey with his job unless you travel with him he will not be home unless it's holidays and sometimes not even that so you maybe should have thought wiser about having the baby plus you are only 17 so stress is high

E:well hell yea the stress is high and how many times do I have to tell you druken mistake mom

N:don't use that language with me even if you are frustrated

E:whatever mom you are such a hypocritical bitch beep hangs up the phone

Elizabeth POV

Thinks to herself why dose everyone have to be so stupid in the world

Just than randy walks in and she can smell the achol on him randy get out

R:bitch this my fucking house and my baby so u get the fuck out

Then randy walks up to her and slaps her

E:ow randy that hurt

R:bitch what the fuck u think it was suppose to be soft now go make me something to eat while I go fuck kelly kelly

so what do u guys think nothing against any of the people in the story

First chapter back

Total divas was great I honestly love rosa and nikki but this season nikki already has a lot going on

Randy as an abuser

Nikki and Elizabeth fight

So remeber when I said this the update scedual will be Friday Saturday and Tuesday only day I don't have nothing to do

Well yea not happening on thos days I will have to tell you when my scedual gets settled cuz I am a busy person and this week I am trying out for jazz band so if I make that I will only be able to write Monday and maybe Wednesday idk so I can't promise u this o yea

Faith over fear and to fab to function

Tell me what you guys think-Babydoll Erica

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