The big break

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in Elizabeth room

Ok Elizabeth Garcia cena why we're u was dropping.....again. Sorry mom but when u and dad fight i hear u in my room sooooooo it's kinda hard not to eat drop Ok well what do u want. Ok this is hard to say but I'm gonna come right out with it i think i might be pregnant. WHAT !!!!!! your only 16. I know but It was a drunken mistake mom I'm so sorry. I'm not the one u are going to be apologizing to. Ok I'm going to tell him but not now promise you won't either . Ok I won't but as long as you have news I'm pregante to. What my mom and I are pregante at the same time this can't get worse. well we can tell him together. Ok thanks mom

meanwhile in the hall

john's pov

did I hear this right nikki and my daughter are pregante this should be somthing so I walked into the room and both of there expressions changed

nikki well I guess you heard the whole thing................... so what are u gonna say john john

uh yea I'm happy we are having a second kid. now you why we're u drinking and having sex you are my daughter and I'm the face of wwe and your mom is divas champ so don't tell anyone except who ever got you pregant. and who is it that got u pregant

Elizabeth p.o.v

oh no the flashbacks were coming back and if I told my dad the truth he would flip but I want to tell him now instead of later well you see it was mom's old boyfriend

nikki pov

wait witch one Alberto del Rio or ortan

and the words she said we're just unreal I can't belive u would sleep with Randy I'm calling the police

Elizabeth: nooooo I told him to have sex with me and told him to never speak of it and we have been dating for 7 months and he is really sweet he's nice gives me compliments and is just everything

john: well if u are going to date a grownup act like one so u can go live with Randy and his other little daughter be continued

what do u think should I continue or just stop

what do u think is happening next

do u think nikki will let this happen


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