It's Time

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Jack made sure to pick up some flowers and goodies for her to enjoy. He then headed back to Halloween Town in hopes of meeting up with Sally. He thought of all the things he wanted to say, practicing along the way.
"Sally, these are for you my dear, my own way of saying I love you and I want to spend the rest of my death with you." He daydreamed of her jumping into his arms and feeling the embrace the couple back in Valentine's world felt. He was now back to the trees but Zero wasn't there.
"Zero?" Jack called out for him. "Zero, come here boy!"
Jack went further until he was almost back to the cemetery. "There she is," he murmured softly.
She sat at the edge of a tombstone and Zero was there keeping her company. She was talking about Jack.
"I wish I could explain my feelings, I only got away from the professor this long so I could see him, but now he's gone," Jack overhead her say while she pouted, Zero wagging his tail.
"Not quite dear," he said out from behind a tombstone.
"Jack," she blurtedd out in surprise as he approached her and bent down to hug her. With both items in hand, he handed them to her, smiling his skeleton grin. She smiled brightly as well and took each of the things and held them close to her chest. Jack hesitated a moment for he struggled with the words.
"I . . ." He trailed off and couldn't get anything else out, but Sally grabbed his hand in hers. As if they both were thinking the same thing at the same time, they both said out "I love you." This was very heart warming for them both and there was a small pause before their lips met together in a long drawn out kiss that made their non-existent hearts start beating.
Jack and Sally finally got what they wanted, each other. He was happy that he made her happy and he convinced the professor that he'd take good care of her. They lived together, spending the "rest of their death" in happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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