Ch.2 Cheese & charcuterie board

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"I'm so. Fucking. Tired." The woman before you buried her face into her palms while a groan squeezed through her teeth, her once-perfect updo was slightly messed after a lengthy day.

"I haven't heard you use those words for quite a long time. Something really gets under your skin, huh?" You chuckled, uncorking the bottle open before pouring the wine into two glasses, and pushing one across the desk. Larissa rubbed her cheeks, not caring about ruining her makeup, before looking up, giving you a thankful smile.

"Oh yea? I'm surprised I could hold it for so long. These past few days have been exceptionally exhausting." She grabbed the goblet and tilted her jaw up toward the ceiling, the rich ruby liquid washing down her throat in mere seconds. You watched her, knowing at this moment, stopping her from drinking at this rush pace was a less-appreciated choice, and she needed this. So you let her, just taking a sip from your glass and waiting to refill hers when she was done with that one.

A satisfied sigh escaped her lips when the cup was empty, and her tongue darted out, sliding through them and draining the wine coating the painted skin. She did not care about her smeared lipstick, but you noticed a shimmering drop still staining the corner of her mouth. Without thinking, your hand reached out, gently wiping away the scarlet with your thumb, as well as some ruby print. Her cheek was so soft, almost like marshmallow, that was the only thought you had when doing this.

"Oh." A small gasp left from the principal, you blinked, looking at the woman who now had pink dusting on each side of her cheeks. Like being electrically shocked, your hand quickly retrieved, your face blushing a bit, but you didn't know why. Larissa's lashes flipped a few times and her smirk widened.

"Thank you, dear. I must be too tired to even properly clean my face."

"That's quite alright. Would you like to have some crackers? I'll get you another cup."

You suppressed the urge to lick your thumb by cleaning it on the napkin and took the glass from her side of the table, motioning toward the board you brought along with you. She happily obeyed, taking a piece of cracker and topping it with cheese, sending the food into her mouth, her eyes closed with a pleased humming chanting through her nose. You smiled, knowing you would never get tired of feeding her with your dishes, when she ate, she looked just like a happy hamster or squirrel with pine cones stuffing her cheeks.

"So, what gives you such stress? If you don't mind sharing it?" Pushing the glass back to her, you were glad she ate before drinking more, you would hate to see her suffering a headache the other morning.

"It's the town council. Some new members are not positive about us, as usual. But I can handle that."

"I have no doubt, you always do. You have helped us make it through all those years, and you will continue to do so for so many coming years after this until we have their respect." You gave her a gentle smile and placed your hand on hers, rubbing the back of her hand slowly. Her eyelashes dropped a little, savoring the soothing movement, and her lips eventually curved into a smile.

"Don't mention that to me right now! I just want more wine and some rest tonight." A soft scoff came from her mouth with a bit of laughing, and her blue eyes gazed at you, they were bright again.

"Oh, but I know you enjoy it, Rissa!" You giggled, feeling joyful for her mood was lighter even just a bit. You sipped your wine, swirling it with your tongue in your mouth, then picked up a cashew.

"Try this, it goes exceptionally well with the wine we have tonight." You threw it into your mouth, chewed with an indulging hum flowing through your nostrils, and picked another one.

"Really? Give me one then, darling."

The tall blonde leaned closer, when you thought she would take a nut as you suggest, her next movement was beyond your consideration. With her mouth parted ever so slightly, she gave you a wink, her crimson lips were a luring invitation. She should be just joking, you thought, but as if bewitched, your hand was raised with the nut pinched between your thumb and index finger, leaning in with slight shaking of your hand, you moved it toward her mouth. You were so focused on putting that small piece into her mouth that you failed to be aware of the facial expression changing on the blonde's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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