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The day Celine waited and dreaded the most has arrived. The moment when she's standing on platform 9 3/4 quarters in front of the train that's supposed to take her to the school of witchcraft. Her mother's sobbing filled her ears as they hugged and her mother running her gentle hand through my wavy hair affectionally.

"Promise you'll write to me everyday" her mother said as she said with a broken voice into Celine's ear. It must've been so hard for her to let her only child go somewhere far away from her. She hugged Celine in her embrace tighter as she kissed her only daughter's forehead longingly.

"I promise" and  Celine finally said. Feeling the heaviness in her heart to part away from her single mother and leaving her mother alone. Her mother's gentle hands stroke Celine's hair a few times while tears running down her youthful face.

Hearing the train's whistle, a signal that it's about to move, forcing Charlotte to release her daughter from her embrace and wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She then, pushed Celine towards the train gently with a forced smile.

"Take care and goodbye, Celine" Her mother waved as she make my way into the train. Celine turned around and waved back at her mother.

"I will take care of myself so you will have too, mommy! Bye-bye!" She said and ran into the train after waving at her. She found the nearest compartment with the window opposing to the outside of the train where she still can see her mother's figure. She waved her hand at her mother until the train moved and she's no longer can be seen.

A few minutes later, a familiar voice could be heard from the sliding door of her compartment.

"Nice seeing you again, Laurent"
"Hello, Malfoy. Nice seeing you too"

Malfoy walked into her compartment with two unfamiliar boys walking by his sides. One is taller and one is shorter. Probably, his friends from home.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle. And boys, she's Celine Laurent." He says nodding to each of them as they nodded their heads as sign of greetings with her responding the same way.

"Hello, nice meeting you. I'm Celine Laurent" Celine said, offering her hand to shake theirs which is accepted by them.

"So, Laurent, have you thought of a house that you want to get sort into?" Malfoy said, starting a conversation. He's leaned back on the cushion as his legs crossed.

"Well, I haven't really choose of any specifically.. What about you, Malfoy?"

"Slytherin, obviously. My family's been a Slytherin for generations. I can't imagine getting into any other houses" Malfoy say with that smug smile on his face again.

Celine replied with a warm smile "Good for you knowing what you want" then, she turned to Crabbe and Goyle.

"And you two?"
"Slytherin" they both answered simultaneously.
"Great.." she said, trailing off. Not knowing what to reply any longer.

"So, Laurent.. Are you also a pureblood?" Goyle asked and Celine could be seen shifted in her seat uncomfortably. The memories of Malfoy asking her that on our first meeting started coming back.

"Well, I asked my mother about it and she said, technically I am. Both of my parents are pureblood" she replied calmly. After the incident with Malfoy, she got curious and asked her mother about it. Her mother seemed hesitate to tell her about my father but she did mentioned he's a pureblood.

"Is Laurent your father's family name?" Malfoy asked.
"No, it's not. It's my mother's surname.. I don't really know my father.. My mother's a single mother"
"So, you've never met your father?" Draco asked with his eyebrows raised and Celine nodded her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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