2. DON'T

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Zinnia Keyes. Malfoy Manor. Present.

"A ceremony will be held at Borgin and Burkes this weekend. Same day as your Hogsmeade trip from school. You must be there but there are certain things I want you to follow." Narcissa took me to her and Lucius' bedroom, I guess he wasn't home. I nodded in response and waited for her to tell me the rules.

"You will not show your face at the ceremony or speak, nothing that reveals your identity. You must stay at my side at all times."

I nodded again. This was probably due to new people joining, new people who I didn't know. I didn't bother questioning. It was probably something about the vanishing cabinet. I had to tell Harry.

Hogwarts. Astronomy Tower. Present

I was starting to get sick from all the teleportation. I had to apparate from the Manor to Hogsmeade and through the vanishing cabinet, how painful. I had sent Harry an owl to meet me up here. I was manipulating both sides. Making the dark side believe that I was loyal to them as well as making Dumbledore's Army believe I was helping them. In reality, I was making a fool out of them both. Hopefully, I stay the barrier in between and not make a fool of myself.

"Zinnia." I turned around to see Harry Potter. I took a seat on the ladder-looking thing and patted the spot beside me motioning for him to sit. He did just that. "Knockturn Alley, Borgin and Burkes. There's going to be a ceremony with the Death Eaters on the day of our Hogsmeade trip. I expect you to only watch, if I see you making any moves, Potter.. I will kill you before the Dark Lord finds you."

"Alright, I'll be there." He said in a scared tone. Whenever I threatened anyone, shit was serious.

I always mixed up the two worlds with a barrier in between and I always kept that barrier intact. "Is Draco Malfoy a part of the Death Eater?" Harry asked. My training of controlling my emotions helped me to not react to such situations. "No." I replied. Harry nodded.

"See you around." Harry got up and left.

Harry and I were never friends because I was a Slytherin, up until he saw me in this same spot last year.

Hogwarts. Astronomy Tower. 1 year ago.

"Zinnia, what the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting so weird lately and you hadn't even written a letter to me all summer and you're practically ignoring me." Draco asked. Sadness and frustration lacing his voice. "Draco, it doesn't matter. I'm okay–" "My arse, you are okay, Zinnia." I gazed into his grey orbs. "You don't have to worry about me–"

"Well, I can't stop because I'm in love with you, Zinnia."

Draco Malfoy, I love you too!

But instead of saying that, I froze. Just like I did that day when I met Voldemort. I was scared and didn't know what to do. "And I know you love me too–"

"I don't." I couldn't help it. It blurted out of my month. This moment, I have dreamt of it ever since 2nd year but now it has turned into a nightmare. Draco's face dropped. "After all of that, you tell me you don't love me?" His voice sounded as if he was almost about to break down. We have had our chemistry. I am in love with him but I couldn't be with him. I didn't care to explain. It felt as if my life was already over.


I had been crying for hours. I had lost the love of my life all because of my parent's uselessness to Voldemort. My forearm was covered in blood. I kept cutting it to make the Dark Lord's mark go away but it wouldn't work.

"Keyes!" This was the last thing Harry Potter had expected. He came to the tower for fresh air. He ran towards her but stopped as soon as he saw what the blood was covering. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at me. "You're one of them." I couldn't do anything. I just stared.

Even in this condition, an idea popped in my head. "Let me explain, Harry." It was easy to convince him to listen. I told him the truth about how I had been forced. I told him I would help him the best I could. What I lied about was that Voldemort and the Death Eaters don't trust me so I don't know what happens. So, I always told Harry useless and small pieces of information after that. Here is where I became the barrier in between the dark side and the good side.

I did care about Harry, though. So, I never let the Death Eaters near him and misguided them.

Hogwarts. Astronomy Tower. Present.

It had been a while since Harry left. I stayed for a bit to get some fresh air. I stared at the Death Eater mark which was covered with scars. I never intended to kill myself, I just wanted to remove the mark. I pulled my sleeve down when I heard someone coming up the stairs.

I guess I'll head back to the common room. I stood, only to be faced by the one and only, Draco Malfoy. There were many situations where we ended up like this but I just walked past.


That was a first.. from him. I was starting to get fed up with people always calling me from behind. I stopped, I didn't look back. I just put my chin over my shoulder. "Come here." I stared as he walked and leaned onto the railings facing the beautiful view. Alright.

When he felt my presence beside him. "I'm going to be a part of something big soon. I don't know if it's the right thing or not." Truth is, Draco didn't have anyone he could talk to but he didn't want to admit that. I didn't know what he wanted me to say. Wait.. What is he talking about?

"What are you going to be joining?" Draco missed her voice.. so much. "Same work as your dad, I suppose?" She looked at his face. For the first time in a whole year, they actually looked at each other. Draco couldn't bear it. As much as he wanted to hug her and squeeze her till she couldn't breathe. He couldn't forgive her without proper reasoning.

"Well my parents work for something big, I'm going to help them and make them proud finally."

"That's great–" I cut myself off. Draco's parents were Death Eaters. Again, I froze. It felt the same as that day. The day Draco Malfoy confessed to me. I didn't know what to do. "I should go." I muttered before I practically ran off. Draco probably thought I ran off because of how awkward things were.

Draco Malfoy was going to be a Death Eater.


To be continued...

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